Dynamic Digital Signage Ideas for your DOOH Advertising

October 12, 2021

Digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising is growing in popularity. It’s a marketing channel that enables you to interact with people during parts of the day when you don’t have to compete for their attention.

But to get the most out of DOOH ads, you need to create dynamic, engaging displays. That can be tough to do if you’re not very familiar with this style of marketing.

That’s why we’ve put together this article. It highlights 7 examples of excellent DOOH ads to give you inspiration for your own. Keep reading to learn more.

What is digital out-of-home advertising, exactly?

Digital out-of-home advertising is a subgroup of out-of-home (OOH) advertising. OOH advertising includes any ad that gets displayed to a consumer while they’re not inside their home.

This includes things like:

  • Billboards
  • Posters
  • Outdoor signs
  • Ads on public transportation

Digital out-of-home advertising is basically the same thing except the display screens are digital instead of analog. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for what you can do with an OOH advertisement.

The benefits of DOOH ads

Before diving into some specific examples of exceptional digital out-of-home advertisements, let’s consider why you would want this marketing channel to be worth using in the first place.

Here are some of the top reasons to use DOOH ads:

  • Reach your audience when they’re not busy at home or work
  • Use artificial intelligence to get superior ROIs
  • Combine DOOH ads with social media campaigns
  • Update content remotely
  • Create highly interactive experiences

7 engaging digital dynamic signage content ideas

Total Recovered

Total Recovered was an initiative launched to bring some hope to the darkest part of the COVID-19 pandemic. They launched a DOOH advertising campaign that’s a great example of the types of dynamic things that you can do with DOOH ads.

The advertisement featured a running tally of the total number of people who had recovered from COVID-19. People who walked by the ad would see the number rising and get some hope from it at a time when hope was hard to come by.

Your company could use a similar tactic by incorporating a real-time data tally into its DOOH ads. Doing so could be just what you need to turn an otherwise average advertisement into something people remember.

Emily Crisps

A recent Emily Crisps ad poked fun at the horrific timing of the company’s first DOOH campaign, which launched just as the pandemic was starting and people were beginning to stay home.

But the second set of ads is a great example of how you can use humor to make your DOOH ads more engaging. 

Most ads talk about how great a company’s product is. This DOOH campaign from Emily Crisps shows how you can stand out from the noise and make your ads memorable with the right message.


GMC recently created a series of DOOH ads that used artificial intelligence to stunning effect. The car brand equipped its digital posters with cameras, which could distinguish passers-by by demographic factors like age and gender.

GMC used this capability to serve passers-by one of up to 30 possible ads based on the demographic group they belong to.

This ad campaign shows the impressive outer limits of what this technology is capable of. It highlights how you can combine research you’ve done on the various demographics that buy from you to create highly targeted DOOH ad campaigns.


McDonald’s recently ran a DOOH ad campaign in the United Kingdom that stands out for its innovative use of the technology. The company created a weather-reactive series of ads, which changed the product that was being advertised based on the weather.

For example, on a cold morning in Manchester, the DOOH ads might feature a warm cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Whereas on a hot day in London, the ad would swap to something like an iced coffee drink.

Your company might consider embracing a similar ad campaign for its products. This could be especially effective for a clothing company that sells products that are worn in various weather conditions.

Lasik MD

Lasik MD ran a series of DOOH ads in Target elevators. The technology was able to identify when someone in the elevator was a candidate for Lasik surgery. The ads would also change based on the type of eyewear that the person who was riding the elevator was wearing.

It’s another excellent example of how you can leverage the unique technology of DOOH advertising displays to create ads that are much more targeted than what you might expect would be possible from an out-of-home campaign.


#SendingLove was a DOOH advertising campaign that gave thanks to the front-line workers who have responded to COVID-19. 

It gave social media users the chance to submit a selfie while doing heart hands and to tag it with the hashtag #SendingLove. Then, the selfies would get displayed on digital billboards across the world to show front-line workers how much their efforts are truly valued.

It’s a great example of how you can tie social media into your DOOH campaigns. If you let people display their selfies on your ads with the right hashtag, then you could gain a significant amount of traction on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with your DOOH ads.

Dallas Cowboys

The Dallas Cowboys ran a very interactive DOOH campaign recently, which showcases how much is possible with this technology.

The DOOH ad campaign let passers-by pose with members of the Dallas Cowboys football team. It was a great way to build fan engagement and interest in the upcoming NFL season.

Your company may not have superstar athletes for fans to pose with. But you could give people who pass by the chance to see how they look in some of your clothing items or give them a funny scene to pose in to get them engaging with your brand.

Getting Started with DOOH advertising

Is your company ready to get started with DOOH advertising? If so, here’s a set of step-by-step instructions you can follow to begin using the channel to reach your marketing goals.

1. Pick where you’ll advertise

The first step in this process is deciding where the best place for your company to advertise is. Ideally, you want to pick a spot that you know gets a lot of traffic from members of your target audience.

For example, if you sell financial software, you would want to display your DOOH ads in locations where financial professionals are known to congregate, such as in a city’s financial district.

2. Design your ads

Once you’ve picked a location, you’ll be ready to design your ads. Try to keep the place where you’re advertising in mind while you do this. Some of the most effective DOOH ads leverage their environment to appear more targeted.

3. Choose a digital signage management software

Now you’re ready to pick a digital signage management software. This is what you’ll use to finalize your advertisement designs and manage how you display them on the screens that you rent.

We may be biased, but you won’t find a better option than UPshow. Our digital signage software makes it incredibly easy to create, share and manage eye-catching DOOH ads with the world.

4. Track the performance of your ads and update them over time

Finally, after you’ve created and started displaying your ads, you’ll want to track how they perform over time. Doing this will clue you into whether the ads are fine as they are or if they need to be tweaked to reach your goals.

UPshow provides a wealth of analytical information to help you do this. With our software, you’ll have everything you need to track the performance of your ads in-app.

Get more out of your DOOH campaigns with UPshow

UPshow makes digital signage software that can help you get more out of your DOOH ad campaigns. With our software, you can quickly and easily create customized designs, share them with the world and manage them from a single internet-enabled device.

Want to learn more about how UPshow can help you optimize your DOOH advertisements? 

Sign up for a free custom demo with us today. We look forward to hearing from you.

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