Maximize the Value of Your Content Through Digital Signage Integrations

February 1, 2021

You work hard to create fun, informative, on-brand content. But are you squeezing every drop of value out of it or leaving it to wither on the vine? Whether you’ve got a content team working for you or you’re a one-person content shop, if you’re not repurposing your content, you’re wasting all that effort. 

How can you get more bang for your marketing buck? Chances are you have screens in your restaurant, bar or store. So, why not use those screens to display your marketing and social media content?

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Focus on Content Integration Across All of Your Social Media Channels and Screens

It’s time to start treating your screens as a central hub for your branded content. That might be as simple as displaying customer posts from social media feeds like Twitter, Instagram, Google reviews and YouTube. 

When your customers review your store, use your campaign hashtag or tag your establishment in their social media posts, content integrations let you display those posts on your digital signage. That recognition encourages brand ambassadors to keep singing your praises, increasing your word-of-mouth advertising. 

But you don’t have to wait for your customers to mention you—you can share your own posts on your screens too. Use your digital signage to highlight promotions, advertise sales and specials and remind customers about your loyalty program. Nor do you need to worry about missing the customers who don’t use a particular social media platform—by sharing social content on your screens, you can ensure that they’ll see it when they visit. Integrating your content feed with your digital signage lets you easily repurpose your social media posts and broaden your audience.

Integrating your content with your digital signs isn’t just about reposting social media, though—you can use your screens to display all kinds of marketing content in your restaurant, bar, store, fitness center or office. You can tailor campaigns to suit your audience based on the time of day, day of the week or—if you operate multiple stores—the location of the store. Maybe the early-bird shoppers need to see promotions for muffins and coffee while the latecomers are more interested in grab-and-go dinner options. Customers near a school might be more tempted by juice boxes and prepackaged snacks. Whatever your unique demographic, digital signage lets you push the right campaign to the right audience.

Coordinating a special event or sponsoring a charity? Use your screens to display content for that specific campaign, escalating your message until the final event or donation deadline. Integrating your screens with your content library makes it easy to schedule your content and adjust it on the fly as circumstances—from the weekend forecast to the playoff schedule—change.

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Integrate Your Marketing Team’s Content With Your Signage for Consistent Branding

If your company is big enough—or lucky enough—to have a marketing team, you want to get full use of the content they’re cranking out. With content integration capabilities, you can upload your creative team’s assets to an online library and schedule them for display as often as you’d like. By making your own marketing materials, you can control how your content appears across all of your advertising venues—from billboards and social media to in-store screens and TV spots, in every one of your locations and throughout all of your campaigns. That kind of consistency helps your marketing team foster a unique brand that inspires customer recognition and loyalty.

But what if you’re a smaller company with no creative team? Don’t worry—there’s an app for that.

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No Team, No Problem: Create Great Marketing Content on Your Own

Sure, it’s great to have dedicated marketing staff, but many companies don’t have that luxury. That’s why there are integrations like Canva, which lets anyone build marketing materials with pre-designed templates and drag-and-drop tools. 

Whether you’ve got a huge marketing department or just one assistant working overtime to keep your brand image fresh and interesting, UPshow’s digital signage makes use of the screens that are already in your establishment and integrates them with your marketing materials. UPshow connects your social media feeds and your full library of content with your screens, offering complete control of your brand and message. If you don’t have a marketing department at your beck and call, use our Canva integration to build a bank of consistently branded materials from scratch. 

Need a custom integration for an in-house platform? We can do that too! We’ve designed bespoke solutions to suit clients across a wide range of industries. Get more from your screens—and your content—with UPshow.

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Explore Content Integrations with UPshow

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