Retail Signage Displays: What to Buy and How to Display Them

June 6, 2022

Research indicates that 68% of Americans have bought something because on-premise signage caught their eye. That’s why many retail stores place signage in front of the products they’re most keen to sell.

If you’d like to do the same in your store, you’re in the right place.

Keep reading to learn:

  • Why retail signage displays are worth investing in
  • How digital screens can help you get more out of your displays
  • What you’ll need to get started
  • Step-by-step instructions for setting up retail signage displays from scratch

Let’s get into it.

An overview of retail signage displays

We’ll give you a closer look at each of these steps in a later section. But for now, here’s an overview of what it takes to bring retail signage to your store:

  1. Set goals
  2. Invest in screens and digital signage software that will help you achieve those goals
  3. Create and share your digital displays
  4. Track your performance and adapt

The benefits of digital retail signage displays

If you’re going to set up signage displays in your store, they should be digital. There are several key reasons for this.

First, you can update digital signage as often as you want without worrying about printing costs, wasting supplies or manually installing the new signage. 

Second, digital signage opens up new marketing possibilities. You can easily and quickly promote your own offers, promotions and other important messaging.

Additionally, digital signage is compatible with touchscreen technology. You can use it to set up compelling displays that allow customers to learn about your products and their benefits without needing the assistance of a salesperson.

Finally, using digital signage could increase your average purchase size. Some statistics show that digital signage increases the average purchase price by nearly 30%.

Here’s what you need to get started

If you think digital retail signage displays could benefit your store, then here’s what you’ll need to get started.

  • One or more screens
  • Digital signage software from a provider like UPshow
  • Potentially a media player, but only if your screens can’t connect to the internet on their own

Step 1: Set goals

The first step in creating compelling digital retail signage displays is knowing precisely what you want to accomplish with them.

Of course, you want to sell more products. But how specifically can you accomplish that with your digital signage?

Maybe you just want to show off high-resolution images of products and advertise special offers.

Or maybe you want to give your customers the ability to learn about the product themselves with touchscreen displays that they can use to perform research without a salesperson.

Your answers here will determine some of the actions you should take in later steps of our guide, so make sure you’re specific about them.

Step 2: Purchase your screens

The next step is figuring out which screens will allow you to achieve the goals you’ve set for your retail signage displays.

For example, if you want to show the highest-resolution images of your products, something like a 4K TV screen could make a lot of sense for your display.

Or maybe you’re looking for a touchscreen display. In that case, there are large touchscreen options out there that could be a good fit for your goals.

You may also want to combine the two. 

For example, you could get a 4K TV screen to show off high-resolution images of products that capture passers-by's attention. Then you could place a tablet nearby that customers can use to perform research.

You have a lot of flexibility here to choose what will work best for your goals since you can use digital signage software with any screen that it’s possible to connect to the internet.

Step 3: Choose your digital signage software

Now you’re ready to pick your digital signage software. This is the technology that will turn your screens into versatile marketing tools for your retail store.

UPshow is ideal for these types of displays. Our digital signage software offers plenty of pre-made templates you can use to create new displays quickly, and our in-platform integration with Canva enables customization to create displays from scratch as well.

Additionally, you can access your UPshow account from any internet-enabled device. So you can quickly make changes to a screen from a cell phone or laptop while on the go.

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Step 4: Create your displays

Now we’re ready to begin creating displays. The process for doing that is super easy with UPshow.

Just log into your account, choose a template or start a new design from scratch and use the tools we offer to bring your ideas to life.

It’s often a good idea to create multiple displays for a single piece of signage and then rotate through them on a set schedule. 

This can help to keep customers engaged near a display area for more extended amounts of time, which could help to increase the likelihood of converting them.

Step 5: Evaluate your performance and adapt as necessary

Digital signage is a powerful tool that a retail store can use to accomplish many different goals. But you won’t know whether you’re making progress towards your goals unless you’re tracking performance.

That’s why it’s essential to keep an eye on how different types of displays perform for you over an extended period. Doing this will tell you when you need to make changes to a display to solve a problem that’s slowing down progress towards your goals. 

UPshow includes integrated tracking and analytics tools for precisely this purpose. With our software, you can easily assess the performance of your retail signage displays without having to pay for any third-party tools.

Things to be careful of

As you work to bring digital signage to your retail store, there are a few potential pitfalls that you’ll want to watch out for. Here are three to keep in your mind as you work on integrating this technology.

Creating displays that are too busy

There’s a fine line between creating varied displays to attract attention and those that are overly stimulating.

You don’t need a ton of bells and whistles to make someone stop and look at a digital signage display. Simply using a high-resolution image, some brief headline text and potentially an animation or two is often enough to get the job done.

If you try to use every tool in your arsenal in a single display, it may overwhelm people and cause them to look away before you can effectively engage them.

Not producing enough content

One of the best features of digital signage is its ability to rotate through several displays on a single screen. This is beneficial because it can help you keep people’s attention for longer.

But if you’re only rotating between a few screens, it may not be enough to keep someone engaged at a retail display long enough to convert them.

Similarly, if you have many repeat customers and you don’t change the content on your digital signage often enough, they may only stop to look at it once or twice, and your return could diminish over time.

Failing to localize your content

A great feature of UPshow’s digital signage is that it gives you the ability to create customized displays for different geographic locations.

You should ensure that you’re taking advantage of this feature because it can do wonders for your in-store marketing.

For example, maybe there’s a big event coming up in a town where you have a store. With digital signage, you could create a display promoting the event to show in that store, which could help you increase foot traffic and sales.

UPshow can help your business unlock the full potential of its retail signage displays

The right digital signage software is the key to unlocking the full power of retail digital signage displays. That’s why you should take a closer look at UPshow.

Our digital signage software features an intuitive platform that you can access on any internet-enabled device. With animations, pre-made templates and more, UPshow comes with all of the features you need to start getting more out of your in-store marketing campaigns.

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