Spotlight: Cask Ale & Kitchen

May 25, 2017

Prohibition era class shaken not stirred over contemporary design and motion, Cask Ale & Kitchen’s ambience is just as tasteful as the hand-crafted whiskey, cocktails and cuisine. Located in Sarasota, FL the restaurant/bar receives high customer social media posts and engagement that are then displayed on the UPshow TV screens in venue.

Let’s take a look at the “UPshow Effect” at Cask Ale & Kitchen- highlighting customer posts that aren’t just pictures but invaluable customer promotions.

Influencing Food Audiences:

With such high engagement from customers, it’s no wonder that all different types of foodies venture out to try Cask Ale! Nothing is more appealing to the masses than a restaurant menu that can easily serve any type of eater- from picky to gluten-free and all the way to vegan. Trending on social media is digital influencers that devout their platform to a specific type of food audience, like @_thegreenolive! TheGreenOlive is a chef that focuses on vegan, plant-based recipes. By having such a distinguished vegan influencer post on the UPshow screen and social media tagging Cask Ale, vegan followers receive confirmation and the restaurant gains customers that may have been weary beforehand about whether or not the menu offered fare they could enjoy.  

Blowin' Up The Comments:

The Cocktail Couple posted to Cask Ale’s UPshow screen all while providing an excellent review of the restaurant’s cocktail. Better yet, they even gave a shout out to the bartender who served them, Rob! Instagrammers who focus on one thing, like cocktails, become a social media expert in that field for their followers. A post by these cocktail experts lets their followers, eager to learn, know that Cask Ale is above the competition. The comments section has even further promoted the restaurant!

Demonstrating Industry Expertise:

Behind the scenes shots are a great way for a business to make social media followers feel included and part of the community. It’s also a fun way to let customers know about different lectures, sessions or master classes the business is participating in. Followers hear this #BTS information and make the connection that the business is growing in industry knowledge. Rob the bartender (featured in The Cocktail Couple’s raving review above!) posted about a whiskey class at Cask Ale and let all his followers know that the restaurant is learning how to provide better drinks and service to customers. Who wouldn’t want to check it out?

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