Spotlight: CTF Chicago

April 26, 2017

Over 150 classes a week, up to 1200 calories burned a class, 50 minute class sessions equals a 100 percent progress. CTF Chicago has the largest offering of group classes and personal training open to all fitness levels. With UPshow screens in the facility, members can track their #fitnessgoals and even catch a big brand ambassador promoting an available class.    

Let’s see the “UPshow Effect” at CTF Chicago-highlighting a few posts that aren’t just customer photos, they’re invaluable customer promotions:

Big Brand Representation:

CTF Chicago has personal training and group classes to choose from for members. The trainers that teach these workouts are so influential they are signed with Nike. Having their social media post come up on the screens at the gym can convince a member to come back to take a class from Gina or any other Nike fitness instructor. Seeing the same social media post on your phone can also lead to more followers of CTF Chicago’s account. The credibility of having a sponsor like Nike plus the authenticity of their organic post peaks fitness consumer interest and grows trust in CTF Chicago.

Strong People Bringing in Strong Social:

@magmilerunner is strong, fierce and the total fitness influencer package for Chicagoans. Fitness buffs and admirers look up to Maggie for #fitnessgoals so when she posts where she goes to workout and refresh, the online world is taking note. Not only are people in the gym seeing that @magmilerunner is working out with them thanks to using the UPshow hashtags but her 1300 followers are now exposed to CTF Chicago.

Class Time Commitment:

One of the simplest ways to better market your business is to use what you already have. For CTF Chicago that isn’t only the TV screens but enthusiastic employees as an extension of the brand. The commitment of the trainers is shown through the posts they send to the UPshow screen even before someone’s stepped into their class. This gives the social media users the opportunity to learn more about the trainers and get a feel for CTF Chicago.

Connected Commerce:

Through UPshow, businesses can use a feature we call "Connected Commerce". With Connected Commerce the business has the ability to send out messages and replies to customers who have posted through UPshow.

CTF Chicago uses Connected Commerce to offer special promotions to members and non-members. These Connected Commerce messages make the customer feel appreciated and noticed by the business and incentive another visit to CTF Chicago to redeem their special reward! A simple gesture like this is what causes repeat “regulars” at your business.

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