Spotlight: Healthworks

June 13, 2018

Healthworks has been a leader in premiere fitness since 1977, creating a supportive and empowering environment for women across the Boston area. Driven by their mission to give women a space to become healthier and happier, it is no doubt that Healthworks is changing lives.

Healthworks also gives its members a way to share and celebrate their progress with the community: UPshow screens! Let’s take a closer look at how these fitness clubs gets their guests buzzing with the “UPshow Effect”:

The Insider Experience

Healthworks goes above and beyond when it comes to making their fitness centers a welcoming and motivating place. Normally, only current members would be aware of the small details that create such an atmosphere, but with UPshow Healthworks members can tell the brand’s story to people who haven’t even ever walked through the door.

Employee Influencers

Getting employees involved with sharing on screens is always a smart move, made even better when that employee is a social media influencer! When this employee shares her Healthworks experience to UPshow, not only is she making it top of mind for members, she’s also broadcasting it to her thousands of followers.

Pumped Up Personality

Healthworks has a strong brand personality that encompasses strength, confidence, positivity, and humor. It can be hard to convey this through an advertisement while remaining authentic. With UPshow, Healthworks’ members do it for them!

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