Spotlight: Murphy's Bleachers

May 31, 2017

When people think Chicago, it's pretty likely their first thought is about the World Series Champion Chicago Cubs (still weird to say!).  And when Chicago Cubs fans think about heading to Wrigleyville, right alongside the Ivy, the rooftops, and Old Style Beer, is Murphy's Bleachers.  Murphy's Bleachers is the quintessential Chicago Cubs bar. When national broadcasts come to town, they set-up shop at Murphy's Bleachers to show true fandom.  

You can be sure that when their customers are at Murphy's they want to tell the world about it.  And there's no better way to continuously spread the word then having fans of Murphy's and the Cubs spread their joy via social media.

Let’s take a look at the “UPshow Effect” at Murphy’s Bleachers- highlighting customer posts that aren’t just pictures but invaluable customer promotions:  

 Location As A Marketing Asset:

With a cluttered marketplace of Cubs-supporting bars and restaurants in Wrigleyville, especially after the World Series victory, Murphy’s Bleacher has to make itself distinct from others. As customers post great Wrigley Field shots from the bar, they are assisting Murphy’s in utilizing the location as a marketing strength. Not only are followers clued in as to where Murphy’s is, the restaurant has an even more direct association with the Cubs than the other bars and restaurants nearby. This Instagramer even geotag Murphy’s, adding to the ease of other followers to stop in!

Cubs Community:

Digital influencers all have their niche market online. For Chicago Cubs fans, the accounts to follow are endless. Chicago Cubs Nation is one of the most influential die-hard Cubs fan accounts around, with 185k followers. When this influencer account posts at specific locations, all Cubs-loving followers are notified and take note of a physical venue that connects the digital community of fans. When Chicago Cubs Nation reposted at Murphy’s and was displayed on the UPshow screen, all 185k followers are directed to Murphy’s as the bar for Cubs action.  

Digital Wall of Fame:

We’ve all seen the restaurants with a wall dedicated strictly for autographed celebrity photos, marking their presence at the venue for future customers to oogle at. Murphy’s, being the hub of all things Cubs, receives its fair share of celebrity appearances (even when the celeb is rooting for the wrong team!). But instead of hanging a small printout with the celebs chicken scratched remark on the best burger in town, Murphy’s gives customers instant gratification and long-lasting social proof of the celebrity appearance using the UPshow screens. When someone takes a picture with the celebrity, like Bill Murray above, the photo appears on the screen for all in venue to see within seconds. And after the excitement has worn down, Murphy’s has the social proof on Twitter to remember the night Bill made his visit!

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