How to Make Stress Management Training Less Stressful

October 25, 2023

For deskless employees in hospitality and healthcare, workplace stress is commonplace. Unfortunately, the tools and resources to cope with workplace stress may be less common. 

Research tells us that prolonged workplace stress can lead to exhaustion, burnout, job dissatisfaction, increased turnover and many other consequences for employees and your organization. Remedying these outcomes, or better yet, taking proactive measures to prevent them, should be a top priority.

Offering your deskless employees stress management training is one of the best ways to do this. With the help of a cutting-edge employee engagement platform, it doesn’t have to be a stressful undertaking either.

How does stress affect employee performance? Stress management benefits worth noting

No employee will be on their A-game when they’re under mounting stress. When it comes to job performance, stress can decimate progress made and derail future performance goals.

Some of the most common ways stress can affect employee performance include:

  • Hampered motivation
  • Lack of engagement
  • Lower productivity
  • Inability to focus on tasks
  • Lack of creativity
  • Lower-quality work output
  • Higher levels of absenteeism and tardiness
  • Increased levels of workplace tension

Your employees need tools and mechanisms to help them cope with varying stress levels. Stress management training is meant to equip them with those tools. The benefits for them and your business don’t stop there, though.

Lower rates of absenteeism and increased morale

Are your most reliable and dedicated employees calling out of their shifts? Or do you find negative energy on the floor or back of house? All signs point to stress. Stress management training can negate their need to call in for a mental-health day to recharge, and can create a more positive environment that they look forward to being around.

Remember, too, that stress management training isn’t a short-term process and will likely require that you make core changes to your work environment to lower absenteeism and boost rates of employee satisfaction. As you start mapping out their stress management training, consider including these practices to boost employee morale:

  • Emphasize the importance of personal breaks and using leave time.
  • Acknowledge your employees and show they’re a valuable asset to your team.
  • Keep an open door and multiple lines of communication open to accommodate their needs.
  • Dedicate time and resources towards employee recognition and a rewards system.
  • Invest in professional growth and team-building activities.

Higher rates of productivity

When employees experience stress and burnout, they can feel physically and emotionally depleted. It’s no wonder their productivity suffers as a result. Stress management training can address the underlying issues hampering their productivity and give them the tools to manage and endure.

As part of their stress management training, provide them with practical stress-management activities to get their productivity back on track:

  • Visualize where they see themselves personally and professionally over the next three months, six months and after one year (and beyond).
  • Create a short-term and long-term action plan that includes professional and personal goals.
  • Start a lunchtime or off-time walking group to encourage healthy habits while at work.
  • Celebrate achievements with publicly displayed awards and recognition

Lower rates of turnover and burnout 

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes workplace burnout as an “occupational phenomenon” resulting from chronic workplace stress that employees haven’t managed successfully. When high-stress levels continue, and workers don’t receive the support they need, they’ll tend to look for greener grass on your competitor’s side of the fence. 

Stress management training can curb employee turnover and help staff feel supported. The Wellness Council of America (WELCOA) agrees and tells us that employees are more prone to continue working for an employer that “promotes a low-stress work environment.”

What should your stress management training program include to make a difference for your employees? And how do you curb your stress when tackling such a critical endeavor? The answer? UPshow SHIFT.

Taking the stress out of stress management training with your digital displays

UPshow SHIFT is the leading digital employee engagement platform, allowing you to plan, execute and display your training program across all your digital screens. 

Because deskless employees aren’t stationary, nor do most even have a company email address, conveniently accessing stress management training can be challenging. But it doesn’t have to be, so long as you put their needs at the forefront of your design and display efforts.

Create consumable content

Your deskless workers are on the move. They don’t have time to read, much less click through several stress management training modules. Instead, their training needs to mirror their needs. Ensuring it’s easily consumable is your primary task. 

With UPshow’s Canva integration, you can build a stress management training program stocked with the following:

  • Critical training announcements and updates
  • Brief tutorials employees can view in passing or on short breaks
  • Infographic displays that highlight breathing techniques or other stress management rituals
  • Educational video clips and podcasts
  • Entertainment channels, including hyperlocal content to destress your staff in the breakroom 

Incorporate interactive and game-like training modules 

Consider setting up a teamwide social media page or a stress-management app as part of your long-term stress-management plan. UPshow SHIFT allows you to do all of the above plus more, like gamifying training with stress-management trivia games or teamwide competitions.

With UPshow’s QR Code campaign creator, you can empower your employees to take the reigns in stress management by giving them hands-on access to countless resources. All they need to do is use their device to scan the QR code you’ve displayed on one of your digital screens. Once they do, they can access these resources and engage at their convenience.

Celebrating your team’s success on screen

Recognizing and rewarding your team members' successes as they embark on their stress-management journeys is one thing, but creating a supportive workplace culture is another.

Once you encourage your employees to set short-term and long-term goals during their training, it’s important to celebrate individual and team-wide participation and successes at all stages. You can use UPshow to this by:

  • Showcasing participants and their achievements
  • Displaying detailed progress graphs
  • Foster team-wide competition by showing side-by-side team progress
  • Keeping the energy going by highlighting incentives for participants who reach their personal goals or group milestones

Get more out of your employee stress management training with UPshow

It’s impossible to eradicate all workplace stress for your employees. But with the help of UPshow SHIFT, you can design and distribute a stress management training program that meets their needs and puts the right tools and resources in their hands.

Try a risk-free demo of UPshow and let us take the stress out of stress management training for your team.

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