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How to Make Pediatric Physical Therapy Services More Inviting for Young Patients

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Health-care-induced anxiety and trauma are common among pediatric patients. When children enter your physical therapy facility, they may be in pain and experiencing various negative emotions, including anxiety or fear about their condition or treatment.

To make them comfortable and offer a better patient experience, pediatric physical therapy services can create a more welcoming and appealing clinical environment. If you want to connect with and engage today’s pediatric patients, a digital signage solution may be the answer.

The importance of creating inviting pediatric physical therapy spaces 

Visiting the doctor isn’t always a positive experience for many children, regardless of the reason for their appointment. They may associate visiting your physical therapy clinic with their last appointment at their pediatric doctor’s office, where they endured three shots and a throat culture.

Children may associate waiting rooms with unpleasant experiences, setting up parents and practitioners for treatment sessions that are filled with anxiety and resistance. Plus, depending on their age, they likely won’t understand the PT procedure or treatment they need, which may only exacerbate their apprehension and anxiety.  

Even though pediatric patients comprise 13% of the general PT clinic population, your clinic must be as inviting and kid-friendly as possible, starting with your pediatric waiting room

For kids, long wait times in a dull room can feel like a lifetime. Creating a positive experience from the get-go can put your youngest patients in the right headspace for their session. 

In fact, 73.3% of patients undergoing committed treatment plans will likely visit your PT clinic at least twice a week, which makes it especially important that your waiting room is a place they don’t mind spending time in. Add to this the reality that up to 70% of PT patients do not complete their treatment plans, and the necessity for your pediatric patients to have a positive patient experience in your clinic becomes even more critical, especially for patient outcomes.

Patient anxiety and creating a positive environment

Up to 80% of children who endure a painful injury will also, as a result, experience traumatic stress reactions. When you combine this with the anxiety they may be feeling about their PT appointment and treatments, that’s a lot for anyone to handle, especially pediatric patients.

Creating a positive environment in your pediatric physical therapy clinic may seem daunting, especially when it comes to figuring out how to create something that will please all of your patients, not just a select few.

While a “positive environment” seems highly subjective, new and innovative technology offers flexible tools that can be used to calm pediatric-patient anxiety. For instance, studies have shown that interactive technologies can improve medical outcomes in pediatric patients.

Another study even consulted pediatric patients directly about their ideal design and features in a clinical setting. The children valued “a colorful and creative physical environment”. Powering those displays with engaging content can make patient engagement and their overall experience in your clinic even better.

Engaging pediatric patients and their parents 

Pediatric patient engagement is the extent that children participate in their care, treatment and decisions governing their health. Because they are minors, the adults in their lives represent and advocate on their behalf, but that doesn’t mean pediatric patients shouldn’t be informed or engaged in their healthcare.

You’ll want to outfit your clinic with accessible and engaging educational materials and resources for children and adults. For instance, using your TVs or screens to show exercises or equipment demonstrations can ease medical anxiety in pediatric patients while educating them about their treatment journey.

Also, providing opportunities for your patients to practice active or passive distraction techniques during a painful PT procedure can engage them while also quelling patient anxiety.

These additions to your pediatric physical therapy clinic’s lobby can make all the difference

Transforming your clinic into an inviting and engaging space for kids and their parents doesn’t have to be complicated. UPshow Health is the leading digital signage software solution that can power your clinic’s digital displays with entertaining and educational resources and so much more.

Accessible material for patient education

To set up your pediatric patients for success and better health outcomes, patients and parents alike need a clear understanding of their treatment plan and how they can actively participate in their healing.

With UPshow Health, you can create and display pediatric-friendly educational materials on your screens, such as:

  • Video clips about common injuries in kids' sports
  • Display PT-themed trivia
  • Videos of simple kid-friendly exercise demonstrations
  • Video clips showing massage techniques and strategies for alleviating soreness
  • Announcements for group exercise classes or support groups 
  • Use fixed panels and multipanel displays to display announcements or need-to-know content like office closures, billing practices or additional services your clinic offers

Anxiety-reducing entertainment 

Passive distractions like quality, on-screen entertainment can reduce pediatric-patient anxiety. UPshow Health will give your patients access to more than 500 entertainment channels, and more, including:

  • A variety of kid-friendly entertainment channels
  • UPshow’s premium audio stations allow you to choose ad-free music to calm and soothe, such as nature sounds or classical music
  • Create and share mindfulness tips that kids and their guardians can practice anytime, starting in your waiting room.

Utilizing interactive materials to transform your waiting room

Engaging your pediatric patients can be entertaining and educational. With UPshow Health, you can create PT-themed trivia they can interact with in your waiting room or even back in the treatment area. 

Personalizing the patient experience will help them reach their PT goals. You can use the QR Code campaign creator to display digital QR codes that will link patients and their parents to polls, surveys and patient feedback forms that you can use to customize their experience even more, setting them up for successful outcomes at the end of their PT journey.

Make physical therapy a more exciting part of your pediatric patient’s day with UPshow

Kids don’t handle fear or anxiety in the same way adults do. A welcoming and engaging clinical environment can give pediatric patients a more positive patient experience and improve patient outcomes.

UPshow Health is the digital signage software solution your pediatric physical therapy clinic needs to support patients in their treatment journey.

Sign up for a free custom demo of UPshow Health today and discover how digital signage can make your young patients’ in-clinic experience positive.


Targeting Nurse Stress Management in Your Clinic

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Nursing professionals are the unsung heroes of the healthcare profession. On any given shift, they can play important roles in high-stakes and life-or-death cases. With the additional stress of a long-lasting nursing shortage and long hours, it’s no wonder nurses are experiencing stress and burnout at unprecedented levels. 

For nurses, proper stress management is critical for them and their patients, as research tells us that chronic stress can also negatively affect their ability to act as caretakers. This means that healthcare administrators need to seriously consider strategies for helping nurses constructively manage stress. The unique nature of nursing, however, may require a proactive strategy and an out-of-the-box solution to help you best serve your nursing staff. 

Factors that contribute to nurse stress and burnout rates 

In addition to the everyday stress that we experience day-to-day, nurses also endure substantial occupational stress. In fact, the American Nurses Foundation released a survey that reveals over 75% of nurses feel stressed. But what factors are contributing to the rise of nurse burnout?

Inherently stressful work environments

Nursing professionals must take The Nightingale Pledge — a promise to adhere to the Hippocratic Oath not to do any harm and to remain dedicated to their work. Yet in a high-stakes work environment, that can be difficult to do shift after shift.

On any given day, nurses may endure the following:

  • Extra job responsibilities due to understaffing
  • Verbal or physical abuse from patients
  • Emotional and psychological strain from losing a patient
  • Exposure to infections and illnesses
  • Exhaustion and sleep deprivation
  • Lack of administrative support
  • Information overload and other communication barriers

Long hours and staff shortages

Shift nurses at hospitals or all-night clinics often work three days per week. It sounds ideal, but while those shifts are typically 12 hours each, they often run for 14 or more.  During those shifts, they may do more than just perform their work responsibilities. These factors have led to lower rates of job satisfaction and increased turnover rates. Nursing shortages are prevalent because of “high turnover and inequitable workforce distribution.”

Not only do administrators need to take action to reduce turnover among nursing staff, but addressing the stress and burnout this can cause for those nurses who remain, will require innovative solutions.

Struggles with communication and collaboration

Nurses rarely spend much time behind a desk, aside from completing administrative tasks and charting. This can make it challenging for healthcare administrators to establish consistent channels of communication and provide access to resources.

 Important messages or information can easily fall through the cracks in high-stakes work environments where staff are under pressure to perform well and have limited time to review material that is distributed through traditional communication channels, like emails. 

Because nurses are on their feet, using traditional communication outlets like email to send important announcements or other need-to-know information simply won’t work for them or their patients. Improving communication among your nursing staff can also improve the patient experience. 

Inhibited access to resources and learning materials 

The height of the COVID pandemic showed us the reality of the working conditions in healthcare. As patients with COVID poured into hospitals and clinics worldwide, nurses and doctors were left treating them without the proper personal protective equipment (PPE), respirators or even clinical space. 

Nurses need access to the right resources to care for patients to the best of their abilities. As new technologies and procedures emerge, they’ll also need better access to continuing nurse education (CNE) courses and learning materials to support their work.

Effortlessly addressing these needs with digital signage

Nurses need proper care, too, if we expect them to continue treating patients effectively. UPshow Health is the leading healthcare employee engagement platform that powers your facility’s digital screens. It can address many of the stressors your nurses face in a modern and accessible way.

Increasing team-wide communication

With UPshow Health, you can create and display critical shift announcements, administrative updates, educational resources and more screen-by-screen. Instead of using email to communicate with your staff, everyone can be in the know simply by reading what you’ve displayed.

You can create customized content for each shift or department with UPshow’s easy-to-use Canva integration. UPshow also makes it easy to schedule content playlists well in advance, tailoring them toward specific staff needs. Likewise, by taking advantage of fixed panel and multipanel displays, you can keep critical information on the screen for as long as necessary while also sharing new updates or announcements.

Create a nursing experience that values teamwork

There is no “I” in a healthcare team. Nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals must work together to provide the best patient care possible. When nurses are stressed and overworked, it can affect morale across your clinic.

You can use UPshow Health to boost morale and teamwork by:

  • Spotlighting patient care highlights and milestones
  • Displaying team shout-outs to acknowledge and celebrate stellar performance
  • Making important administrative announcements
  • Announcing staff parties and new break-room additions, like comfortable seating, new digital screens or a staff-wide lunch
  • Posting new staff mental or physical health initiatives
  • Displaying content related to team-building exercises

Gain insight into the well-being of your nurses

Nursing staff can’t pour out of an empty tank. It’s critical that you know how best to care for your nurses' well-being. The most effective way to do that is to ask for their feedback. With UPshow’s QR Code Campaign Creator, you can create and display QR codes that link to surveys and feedback forms that your nurses can simply scan and complete on their mobile devices whenever they want.

With the help of insights and analytics, you can lift the curtain on what your staff is engaging with and what they aren’t so that you can make necessary changes to the content and resources you display. When you have access to their feedback and engagement levels, you can be proactive about getting them the resources they need even sooner so that you can prevent (or at least lower) the chances that they’ll burn out.

Building a better environment for your nurses with UPshow

Chronic workplace stress can deplete the energy and morale of your nursing staff. Over time, this can interfere with how effectively they treat their patients. Making nurse stress management a priority is more important now than ever.

UPshow SHIFT for Healthcare is the remedy your nurses (and their patients) need. Get a customized dose of UPshow Health, and give your nurses access to the resources they need to feel their best, so they can perform at their best.


How to Implement Stress and Time Management Training in Your Business

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Stress impacts every employee differently. For deskless workers, like those at quick service restaurants (QSRs), stress in the workplace can chip away at productivity, engagement and overall well-being. Failing to acknowledge and address these concerns hurt employers, too, often resulting in increased turnover rates and poor employee morale.

Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workplace report confirms that workplace stress is at an unprecedented high, too. The US, Canada and East Asia are in a three-way tie for the highest stress levels among employees globally. 

Implementing stress and time management training for deskless employees is more critical now than ever. But traditional training models won’t work for these employees — you’ll need a digital alternative to meet their unique needs.

The challenges of implementing an effective time and stress management training program

For stress and time management training to be successful, you need a deeper understanding of what your deskless employees need to perform at their peak. Some of the most significant challenges in this process come from simply not knowing how to support them best and equipping them with the best tools to thrive.

Meeting the needs of deskless staff 

Deskless workers tackle diverse job duties compared to their desked colleagues. Many are on the move and often customer-facing or handling any number of operations back of the house (BOH). The nature of their jobs means they don’t have the same access to technology, tools and other resources to manage their time and perform better.

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating an effective time and stress management training program, there are simple best practices you can follow to meet your employees' needs and make the workplace less stressful for them:

  • Encourage breaks when appropriate to avoid burnout.
  • Practice open communication and transparency.
  • Conduct team meetings to build a sense of camaraderie within your staff.
  • Give them bite-size time management training opportunities.
  • Lean on group activities to promote collaboration and a more robust workplace culture.
  • Recognize and reward your team’s contributions and hard work.

Creating accessible and consumable content

Consider what a typical workday looks like for your deskless staff. They’re undoubtedly in go-mode from when they clock in until they clock out. They don’t have time to read a lengthy company-wide update on safety practices or several pages about departmental restructuring. Yet they need to know this information for their safety and well-being.

Traditional practices like assembling a two-inch thick training manual won’t prove effective for them. Deskless employees need access to digital resources and bite-sized content they can engage with anytime, anywhere. To do this, managers are investing in digital employee engagement systems

Many companies are harnessing digital signage solutions to create and display content relevant to their stress and time management training, such as:

  • Short videos on workplace stress management techniques.
  • Infographics that highlight practical time management steps.
  • Employee spotlights to praise effort and milestones.
  • Performance graphs and charts to show growth and areas for improvement.
  • Leaderboards to motivate employees as their complete training.

Measuring employee engagement 

Consider the traditional ways of assessing and measuring employee engagement. These might include paper or email surveys, feedback forms or face-to-face meetings. But for deskless employees, these aren’t practical, nor will they inspire them to offer in-depth or honest feedback, which is what you need to create a tailored stress and time management training program for them. 

To engage your deskless employees and measure their engagement, partnering with a digital employee engagement software solution like UPshow SHIFT will give you a clear and accurate picture of whether they’re engaging with your training materials so that you can make necessary changes in real time.

Effective solutions for getting time management training in front of your staff

UPshow SHIFT is the leading on-premise employee engagement platform designed to get your time and stress management training program in front of your deskless workers. Here’s how it can help your team elevate their performance and tackle burnout. 

Use your digital displays 

Using your back-of-house digital displays to share your training content ensures your deskless staff can easily access it when time allows. With in-app Canva integration, you can use themed templates and a library of royalty-free photos and videos to make your training program more engaging.

Your shift workers may filter in and out, so you can use fixed panel and multipanel displays to keep must-know training content on the screen for as long as you need, all while changing the rest of the display shift by shift or by location.

Create interactive content that is on-the-go

Your time and stress management training program won’t take off without first ensuring accessibility for all employees. With UPshow SHIFT’s QR Code campaign creator, you can link your deskless workers to critical training resources via QR-code technology, giving them on-the-go access.

To get the ball rolling, consider using QR-code technology to connect them with interactive training content that could include:

  • A link to download your company’s stress and time management materials and resources.
  • Connect to learning and development modules.
  • Link them to longer tutorials and other educational resources.
  • Announce community wellness partnerships and link them to promo codes or special offers that may apply.
  • Garner feedback from participant surveys and feedback forms.

Make stress management training engaging

Stress management training should be fun and engaging for your employees, not a burden or like taking on another job. You can use UPshow SHIFT to ramp up the excitement around the launch of your training program and keep them engaged in it for the long haul.

Some of your team members may not share the same enthusiasm as their peers, but with a little bit of an extra nudge, you can get your whole team excited about making progress. Leverage UPshow SHIFT to support their engagement with training by:

  • Incentivizing them to access and begin their training by a specific date with a small monetary bonus or prize.
  • Creating training progress leaderboards that promote friendly competition.
  • Spotlighting their participation, progress and goal-smashing by displaying their testimonials on screen.
  • Celebrating participation by rewarding participants.

Make stress and time management training a breeze with UPshow

Stress and time management training for your deskless workforce doesn’t need to be complicated or costly. Showing your employees that you understand their unique needs and are willing to invest in their well-being and satisfaction is easy with UPshow SHIFT on your screens.

Contact UPshow for a risk-free demo and see how we can make your stress management training stress-free.


How to Make Stress Management Training Less Stressful

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For deskless employees in hospitality and healthcare, workplace stress is commonplace. Unfortunately, the tools and resources to cope with workplace stress may be less common. 

Research tells us that prolonged workplace stress can lead to exhaustion, burnout, job dissatisfaction, increased turnover and many other consequences for employees and your organization. Remedying these outcomes, or better yet, taking proactive measures to prevent them, should be a top priority.

Offering your deskless employees stress management training is one of the best ways to do this. With the help of a cutting-edge employee engagement platform, it doesn’t have to be a stressful undertaking either.

How does stress affect employee performance? Stress management benefits worth noting

No employee will be on their A-game when they’re under mounting stress. When it comes to job performance, stress can decimate progress made and derail future performance goals.

Some of the most common ways stress can affect employee performance include:

  • Hampered motivation
  • Lack of engagement
  • Lower productivity
  • Inability to focus on tasks
  • Lack of creativity
  • Lower-quality work output
  • Higher levels of absenteeism and tardiness
  • Increased levels of workplace tension

Your employees need tools and mechanisms to help them cope with varying stress levels. Stress management training is meant to equip them with those tools. The benefits for them and your business don’t stop there, though.

Lower rates of absenteeism and increased morale

Are your most reliable and dedicated employees calling out of their shifts? Or do you find negative energy on the floor or back of house? All signs point to stress. Stress management training can negate their need to call in for a mental-health day to recharge, and can create a more positive environment that they look forward to being around.

Remember, too, that stress management training isn’t a short-term process and will likely require that you make core changes to your work environment to lower absenteeism and boost rates of employee satisfaction. As you start mapping out their stress management training, consider including these practices to boost employee morale:

  • Emphasize the importance of personal breaks and using leave time.
  • Acknowledge your employees and show they’re a valuable asset to your team.
  • Keep an open door and multiple lines of communication open to accommodate their needs.
  • Dedicate time and resources towards employee recognition and a rewards system.
  • Invest in professional growth and team-building activities.

Higher rates of productivity

When employees experience stress and burnout, they can feel physically and emotionally depleted. It’s no wonder their productivity suffers as a result. Stress management training can address the underlying issues hampering their productivity and give them the tools to manage and endure.

As part of their stress management training, provide them with practical stress-management activities to get their productivity back on track:

  • Visualize where they see themselves personally and professionally over the next three months, six months and after one year (and beyond).
  • Create a short-term and long-term action plan that includes professional and personal goals.
  • Start a lunchtime or off-time walking group to encourage healthy habits while at work.
  • Celebrate achievements with publicly displayed awards and recognition

Lower rates of turnover and burnout 

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes workplace burnout as an “occupational phenomenon” resulting from chronic workplace stress that employees haven’t managed successfully. When high-stress levels continue, and workers don’t receive the support they need, they’ll tend to look for greener grass on your competitor’s side of the fence. 

Stress management training can curb employee turnover and help staff feel supported. The Wellness Council of America (WELCOA) agrees and tells us that employees are more prone to continue working for an employer that “promotes a low-stress work environment.”

What should your stress management training program include to make a difference for your employees? And how do you curb your stress when tackling such a critical endeavor? The answer? UPshow SHIFT.

Taking the stress out of stress management training with your digital displays

UPshow SHIFT is the leading digital employee engagement platform, allowing you to plan, execute and display your training program across all your digital screens. 

Because deskless employees aren’t stationary, nor do most even have a company email address, conveniently accessing stress management training can be challenging. But it doesn’t have to be, so long as you put their needs at the forefront of your design and display efforts.

Create consumable content

Your deskless workers are on the move. They don’t have time to read, much less click through several stress management training modules. Instead, their training needs to mirror their needs. Ensuring it’s easily consumable is your primary task. 

With UPshow’s Canva integration, you can build a stress management training program stocked with the following:

  • Critical training announcements and updates
  • Brief tutorials employees can view in passing or on short breaks
  • Infographic displays that highlight breathing techniques or other stress management rituals
  • Educational video clips and podcasts
  • Entertainment channels, including hyperlocal content to destress your staff in the breakroom 

Incorporate interactive and game-like training modules 

Consider setting up a teamwide social media page or a stress-management app as part of your long-term stress-management plan. UPshow SHIFT allows you to do all of the above plus more, like gamifying training with stress-management trivia games or teamwide competitions.

With UPshow’s QR Code campaign creator, you can empower your employees to take the reigns in stress management by giving them hands-on access to countless resources. All they need to do is use their device to scan the QR code you’ve displayed on one of your digital screens. Once they do, they can access these resources and engage at their convenience.

Celebrating your team’s success on screen

Recognizing and rewarding your team members' successes as they embark on their stress-management journeys is one thing, but creating a supportive workplace culture is another.

Once you encourage your employees to set short-term and long-term goals during their training, it’s important to celebrate individual and team-wide participation and successes at all stages. You can use UPshow to this by:

  • Showcasing participants and their achievements
  • Displaying detailed progress graphs
  • Foster team-wide competition by showing side-by-side team progress
  • Keeping the energy going by highlighting incentives for participants who reach their personal goals or group milestones

Get more out of your employee stress management training with UPshow

It’s impossible to eradicate all workplace stress for your employees. But with the help of UPshow SHIFT, you can design and distribute a stress management training program that meets their needs and puts the right tools and resources in their hands.

Try a risk-free demo of UPshow and let us take the stress out of stress management training for your team.


Prioritize Mental Health by Displaying These Stress Management Techniques for Students on Your Screens

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Gen Z students have never known a world without the Internet. With affordable PCs and the latest research at their fingertips, some may think Gen Z has it easier than their predecessors.

But, the reality is, that even the students of today’s generation face the same stress of meeting deadlines, performing well on exams and even worrying about the future that lies ahead for them.

According to the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America Survey, however, Gen Z is more likely to speak up and seek help for stress and other mental health issues than any other generation. 

To better support them, their institutions can make stress management support accessible. The most effective way to spread the word and put valuable resources in their students’ hands is with support from a leading digital signage solution.

The importance of stress management for today's students

Stress can be a positive motivator, up to a certain point. When students find coping difficult or impossible, the short-term and long-term effects of stress can take their toll and may include:

  • Lack of focus and brain fog
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Memory loss and other types of learning interference
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomachaches, tension, and pain

Students of all ages and grade levels can practice stress management techniques to curb these symptoms.

The five stress management techniques your students need to know

We all have our way of responding to (and managing) stress. Some methods will work for some students, while others may not. While it’s a trial and error process, there are five stress management techniques every student can benefit from trying.

Practice mindfulness exercises

Mindfulness means living in the present moment by moment without worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Harvard University reports that students who practice mindfulness techniques can curb their stress by calming their minds and bodies. When they do, they’re more likely to engage with their academic work and stay the course.

By investing in a cutting-edge digital signage solution, school campuses can display mindfulness exercise tutorials, video clips and other resources on digital screens campus-wide.

Build a support system 

Behind so many students are a team of teachers, guidance counselors, supportive professionals and social groups rooting for them. But today’s students are always on the move. And sustaining a familiar, much less constant support system may prove difficult and even unmaintainable.

To meet students in the middle, school systems and higher education institutions can use digital signage to bring a support system to their students. Some of the most popular ways to do this include:

  • Broadcasting logistics about on-campus or remote mental-health support groups
  • Displaying voluntary student testimonials and interviews about successes and inspirational stories
  • Advertising student meet-ups and fun-day activities around campus
  • Spotlighting student-led social media groups geared toward mental health awareness

Keep physical health in check 

The mind-body connection is powerful and keeping active is one of the most effective stress relievers for students. Maintaining physical health means more than just going outside for a 30-minute recess or participating in a semester-long tennis course.

Physical wellness is multidimensional and includes the following components:

  • Adequate nutrition and a healthy diet, preferably leaning into whole-food consumption
  • A regular and consistent sleep cycle and schedule
  • An active lifestyle with regular exercise
  • Vaccination and disease prevention

Broadcasting your school's latest health initiatives, from free health screenings and vaccinations to sharing information about club sports, can help all of your students be more conscious about the health resources around them.

Be judicious about screen time

Research from The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry reports that, on average, teenagers spend nine hours daily on a screen. The screens themselves aren’t the issue, though. It’s what students are viewing that can be stress-inducing.

Social media is a top contender for stress-inducing screen time. TikTok, Snapchat and other platforms are not only time-consuming, they’re distracting. The National Education Association reports that social pressure is widespread across social media, too.

Although it may be easy to shrug off that finding as “typical” of the teenage experience, it’s bad news for students’ mental health. From bullying to gossip mills, research shows that the more time students spend on social media, the greater their anxiety. So setting boundaries around social media time and limiting their exposure can ward off those effects.

Turn to grounding exercises, like deep breathing 

The phrase “just breathe” isn’t just a song or a cliche. When facing a stressful situation, our biological response is to either fight, flight or freeze. Using a grounding exercise like deep breathing can get a stressful situation under control.

Deep breathing benefits students because it’s calming and can transport them from a stressful mindset into a more present, mindful one. Also, they can practice it discretely any time they need to.

Share these stress management tips for students on your TV screens 

When unmanaged, stress can lead to (or exacerbate) many mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression. Students from grade school through graduate school need stress-management support from their campuses to cope. 

You can leverage UPshow’s digital signage solution to give your students the mental-health resources they need anytime they need them.

Create a space for positive encouragement

Consider the number of digital screens on your campus. Where are they located? Are they in high-traffic spots or dwelling points where students spend a lot of time? 

Create and display content that can help students cope with their stress, such as:

  • Highlighting current and future volunteer and community-wide efforts
  • Showcasing student talent and achievements 
  • Sharing spotlights of students’ goals and initiatives
  • Displaying positive affirmations and encouragement during exam periods and other stressful times of the year

Encourage practical tips that students can use daily 

Providing students with everyday stress management tips on your campus screens can recenter them and make coping and healing within reach. 

With UPshow, you can broadcast stress-management resources campus-wide or on as few screens as you wish. As for your digital displays, you can change them anytime and anywhere when new, more effective techniques emerge. 

Consider displaying some or all of these stress management resources to show your students you prioritize their mental health:

  • Video tutorials on relaxation, yoga techniques, mindfulness practices and more
  • Podcasts about study habits and methods
  • Campus-sourced videos about exam preparation tips from upperclassmen
  • Motivational and inspirational quotations via UPshow’s fixed or multipanel displays
  • Step-by-step instructions on some stress management tips to help students succeed 

Share organizational materials and tools 

Students can feel pressure and stress when faced with due dates, projects and activities. Giving them the tools to prioritize tasks and organize their school work and schedules can relieve the pressure.

Giving them access to a scannable prioritization list or student calendar can also help them visualize what tasks to complete and when. Or, try linking them to a student-friendly time management app they can access on their devices from anywhere might be an addition to their stress management toolbox.

Create an environment of support with your digital displays 

Students of every grade level need a stress-free and supportive learning environment to thrive. Using your screens to disseminate stress management techniques will show them the breadth of your commitment to their mental health and well-being. 

Try a risk-free demo of UPshow and discover how easy it is to put your students’ mental health first.


Employee Wellness Program Ideas for Maximum Workplace Happiness & Productivity

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While, in general, most employers agree they provide their staff with the tools they need to perform their job duties, that may not include employee wellness programs tailored toward their needs. This should include all of your employees, including deskless staff that can’t scroll through weekly newsletters at a desk. 

Besides, what good is an employee wellness program if it doesn’t meet employees’ health and wellness needs and isn’t equally accessible to all employees?

Try some of these ideas to create an employee wellness program that works for all employees and for your business. 

These are the foundations of all types of employee wellness programs

When employers (and everyone else) thought the Great Resignation was behind us, American employees showed us otherwise. With 67% of employees positioned to quit their jobs this year, citing stress, burnout and financial issues, refocusing retention efforts on building a customized employee wellness program is more critical than ever.

Your workforce is your greatest asset. Investing in multiple workplace wellness program ideas can benefit you and them by:

  • Reducing absenteeism
  • Improving engagement, productivity, creativity and quality of work
  • Boosting your retention rate
  • Reducing healthcare costs
  • Cultivating a positive corporate culture of wellness

You must ensure your employee wellness program embodies a few fundamental components to reap as many benefits as possible.

A robust approach is a must for successful employee wellness programs

Wellness isn’t just about eating a healthy diet or working out. Your program strategy should include a holistic approach to bettering your employees’ well-being. 

As you begin rolling out wellness initiatives, ensure they address at least a few of the following factors:

  • Employees’ physical health
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Financial wellness and stability
  • Inclusive work culture initiatives

Relevant information that is tailored to your employees

Ask each of your employees what health and well-being mean to them, and you’ll undoubtedly receive a different response from everyone. While you can’t please everyone, you can collaborate with your employees and learn as much as possible about the types of employee wellness programs, offerings, and resources that will or won’t work for them.

Consider following some or all of these suggestions as you begin to build your employee wellness program:

  • Circulate a survey or an anonymous questionnaire to learn what employees need and want
  • Listen with intention and do your best to incorporate your employees’ needs into your program
  • Tailor initiatives toward their roles, needs and concerns
  • Create personalized incentives to drive sign-ups

Making your wellness program activities accessible and visible

Ensuring your employees know about and can access your wellness program is critical to driving participation. This is where you can let your digital screens take the lead.

UPshow SHIFT is a digital signage software solution you can use to create custom health and wellness displays, resources for living a healthy lifestyle and so much more. What’s more, you can schedule wellness content via playlists and display them on whichever screen you choose, anytime you choose. 

This way, you know you’ll make your wellness program accessible to (and engaging for) all employees — especially your deskless workers.

Employee wellness program ideas that reach even your deskless employees 

Instructional videos and educational material that is on the go

Each of your employees will have a different understanding or background knowledge in health and wellness. Some may work out before work and consume only organic whole foods while others may be at the beginning of their wellness journey.

New, data-backed educational tutorials and other resources will get everyone up to speed on current health and wellness methods, no matter their level of experience or expertise. Linking your team to these resources and wellness ideas for employees via UPshow’s QR code campaign creator will make them accessible from their smart devices.

Games, polls and surveys that liven things up 

Let’s face it–not every employee will look forward to changing their lifestyle or engaging in physical activity, especially if they’re already tired. You can spice things up with UPshow SHIFT by:

  • Displaying health and lifestyle surveys alongside other wellness content via fixed panel and multipanel displays to collect feedback
  • Linking the team to a company-wide social media account devoted to their wellness
  • Showcasing wellness–centric trivia for individual or team competitions 
  • Inspiring friendly competition by creating health initiatives like a daily water intake challenge or team step counts to encourage physical activity

Celebrate achievement to keep the momentum going

Recognition and praise are powerful motivators, especially for completing tasks you don’t feel like doing. Employee wellness is a long game — participation matters far more than hitting a benchmark or seeing immediate results.

Use UPshow SHIFT to craft custom displays that celebrate their participation and achievements. Spotlighting their successes reinstills your company’s investment and dedication to their well-being as employees and human beings.

You can even schedule new content playlists for each shift so that the appropriate employees are privy to that praise or any resources that apply to them.

Employee wellness that gets all of your staff involved requires innovative strategies 

Building a tailor-made employee wellness program that works for everyone on your team is a challenging feat. But if you seek their feedback, collaborate and try out some of these strategies, you’ll all be on your way toward a healthier lifestyle.

UPshow SHIFT is the partner you need to make wellness resources visible and accessible for all your employees.

Contact us for a free custom demo and show your employees that you’re willing to invest in their wellness so that they can thrive on and off the clock.


How to Create an Employee Wellness Program Using Digital Signage

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Are your top team members calling out sick more frequently than usual? Has productivity gone downhill? Is there an air of negativity in the ranks? If so, it may be time to shake things up. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a healthy workplace (in part) as one that offers “opportunities for employees to enhance their physical and mental health and social wellbeing.”

Offering an employee wellness program is an effective way to invest in your team’s overall well-being, but not just any wellness program will do. Knowing how to create and sustain an employee wellness program using digital signage is the best way to accommodate their needs. Not only this, but it can set them up for a more satisfying work-life with your company well into the future, too. 

Creating a wellness program that can be easily maintained 

If you want a wellness program that your employees will participate in for the long haul, then you’ll need to do some planning.

Start by identifying employee needs 

Who better than your employees to tell you what they need to be as healthy as possible? Each person will have their own needs, so start by surveying them to identify what they are. 

With UPshow’s digital signage solution, you can post QR codes on your screens that link employees to a wellness planning poll or survey, inviting them to weigh in and ultimately co-create their wellness program with you.

Consider including the following questions on your digital surveys to gain deeper insights into their interests so that you can tailor your wellness program in a way that appeals to them:

  • What does being healthy mean to you?
  • What are your favorite hobbies?
  • How do you incorporate physical activity into your daily schedule, if at all?
  • Would you be interested in group physical activities, such as scheduled walking or running groups, or group fitness classes?
  • What concerns do you have about your overall well-being?
  • What are the top three health and wellness goals you’d like to focus on this year?
  • How can we make healthy options more accessible to you at work?

Create content that engages everyone, even deskless workers

With deskless employees, sending PDF attachments or lengthy emails about the ins and outs of their wellness program isn't practical or ideal. Instead, give all of your employees easy-to-read and view information that they can consume quickly in passing.

That’s where digital signage comes into play. You can give your employees countless videos, infographics, and other wellness resources, reinforcing that your company prioritizes their well-being. Here are some wellness-oriented content ideas you can make available on your screens to get you started.

  • Display inspirational messages, such as quotes about perseverance or other positive affirmations, to help them stay motivated.
  • Show 30-minute lunchtime workouts or yoga/meditation sessions they can complete solo or as a team.
  • Play healthy eating tutorials or whole-food recipes they can use during a busy work week.
  • Display health and wellness myths vs. facts to ensure everyone follows accurate and up-to-date wellness practices.
  • Create motivational audio playlists they can listen to on the go.

Monitor, track and celebrate team success

Some of your health initiatives will appeal to some and not to others. Getting your wellness program right will take some trial and error. As your employees participate in the program, they’ll also learn what works for them and what doesn’t. 

Digital signage allows you to sustain ongoing, two-way communication where you can seek feedback via questionnaires or polls linked to QR-codes where they’re free to leave commentary. 

To maximize communication with your digital signage, consider following these best practices:

  • Place your screens in relevant, high-traffic areas where your employees spend significant time.
  • Choose a premier digital signage solution that allows you to update your screens across all locations or even screen by screen to achieve consistent communication.
  • Keep an open mind when reviewing employee feedback, and do your best to implement their suggestions.

Using digital signage to create an employee wellness program has several advantages traditional programs don’t have — including direct access to engagement analytics.  You can make adjustments in real-time by viewing how often employees engage with your wellness content.

Once your wellness program is off and running, remember to acknowledge their participation, not necessarily their results. Each employee will participate at a level that works for them. Some will take it one session or day at a time, while others will set clear goals and continuously raise the bar. 

Regardless of their approach, you can use digital signage to incentivize and even praise their efforts–because it’s the fact that they’re showing up that counts the most.

Digital signage tools that can help you manage your employee wellness content 

UPshow SHIFT is the top-shelf on-premise performance marketing cloud transforming your screens into engaging, wellness-driving machines for your employees.

Intuitive content creation tools

You’re busy enough running your business and coming up with the best wellness program possible to worry about graphic design or the nitty gritty of content scheduling and distribution.

UPshow’s Canva integration will simplify the process, giving you pre-made design templates customized for health and wellness or for your industry — whichever you prefer. Since you’ll continuously be offering new and updated wellness content, these templates will make content creation even faster, saving you time and allowing you to give your employees the latest content they need.

QR code generation for interactive content 

No matter the nature of their jobs, today’s employees are always on the move. Putting wellness resources in their hands is practical and shows your company values their time. With UPshow’s QR Code campaign creator, you can give them unbridled access to well-being materials, such as:

  • Connecting them to a health and wellness app or company-wide activity portal where they can share results if they wish and cheer one another on.
  • Linking them to your company’s wellness page.
  • Displaying promotional offers to local gyms, spas or wellness shops.
  • Sharing a wellness program feedback questionnaire.

Robust analytics 

Once your wellness program is in place, remember it’s a work in progress. You may need to adjust or change aspects of your program to make it more accessible, practical or relevant to your employees’ needs. This is where robust insights and analytics tools come in handy.

For example, if your employees tend to take advantage of wellness coupons and promotions in the community, you’ll see that by how often and how quickly they scan the QR codes you’ve set up.

UPshow’s insights and analytics will provide you with granular-level data that is easily downloadable, so you can study it and make any necessary changes to your program. 

Get all of your employees in on your wellness initiatives with UPshow

Knowing how to create an employee wellness program for your employees with the best digital signage solution on the market will get everyone closer to their wellness goals. As for the long-term outcomes? Employee engagement and retention will see an upswing, too.

Schedule a demo of UPshow SHIFT, and experience how easy it is to rally your team behind next-level well-being with digital signage.


How Deskless Team Members Can Reap the Benefits of a Wellness Program

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With your deskless employees on the move, they are often the last to reap benefits that are often readily accessible to your other team members. From wellness programs to training courses, it may require some flexibility and creativity to get your workplace initiatives in front of your deskless team members. Failure to do so can lead to low levels of engagement, high turnover rates and decreased levels of employee satisfaction. 

In fact, a recent Gallup poll shows that less than 50% of US employees believe their employers are interested in their well-being at all.

Here are some tips for laying that statistic to rest and helping your deskless employees get more out of your employee wellness programs.

What are the benefits of implementing a workplace wellness program?

Wellness doesn’t only refer to your employees' mental and physical health. It also applies to their financial, social and workplace well-being. When each need is taken care of, they’re more likely to feel at their best and produce their best work, and that’s just the beginning.

Improved employee morale and retention 

If you want content employees who’ll stay with your business, you’ll need to embed wellness initiatives into the fabric of your workplace culture. A wellness program should equip them with the tools, resources and support they need to feel their best. Employees are more likely to engage and remain loyal to your business when they do.

Consider building some or all of the following wellness initiatives to improve employee morale:

  • Offer a gym or local health club membership they can use during their lunch break or after hours.
  • Reimbursement or vouchers for wellness and group exercise classes.
  • Access to mindfulness tips to reduce stress.

Reduced stress levels

Consider the role of each of your deskless employees. Are they medical staff on the front lines of life-saving emergencies? Or are they servers who are trying to keep your customers satisfied so they return again and again? Stress has many faces, and your deskless employees all experience their fair share. Case in point, 88% of deskless workers say they battle stress daily, according to QSR Magazine.

You can reduce stress levels by creating a customized employee wellness program tailored to their unique needs. Regardless of your industry or sector, consider the following simple yet effective stress-reducing measures:

  • Encourage deskless employees to take regular breaks.
  • Practice open communication.
  • Seek their feedback about what they might need or what you could do to reduce their stress levels.
  • Ensure their workload mirrors their responsibilities (and doesn’t exceed them).

Lower rates of absenteeism

Absenteeism means more than just calling out sick or missing a few work days. It can also refer to tardy employees, employees who leave early or even those who check out mentally during their shifts. It’s also a clear sign of disengagement.

According to a recent study, one of the top benefits of a workplace wellness program is that it can reduce your absenteeism rate by over 25%. The key is to provide access to resources that address some of the root causes of absenteeism. 

Take a look at some of the most common types of resources you can incorporate into your wellness program:

  • Offer advice on healthy living and nutrition.
  • Commit to regular employee recognition and rewards.
  • Create time for team-building activities to instill community and accountability.

Getting your non-desked employees to participate in wellness initiatives 

You can invest in every popular wellness initiative on the market, but that doesn’t mean your deskless employees will take advantage of them. A significant aspect of meeting your employees’ wellness needs is providing access to resources in a way that works for them. Because of their on-the-go workstyle, they don’t have the time or capacity to review long emails or lengthy wellness pamphlets.

UPshow SHIFT is a digital signage solution and employee engagement platform designed to bring your deskless employees the tools and resources they need to perform at their peak.

Providing information in consumable chunks

Your deskless employees don’t spend eight hours at a desk or a chunk of their day answering emails. How you present your wellness initiatives is as vital as what you’ve included in them. For your deskless workforce, that means making the information accessible and easily digestible while they’re on the move.

With UPshow’s in-app Canva integration, you can use industry-relevant templates to create catchy announcements and display resources with royalty-free photos, videos and audio that will grab their attention.

You can also take advantage of the fixed panel and multipanel displays to keep essential updates, such as training announcements, on your screens for as long as necessary while also changing the content on other parts of your screens (on a screen-by-screen basis) as you see fit. 

Make information available on the go

Since deskless workers are on the move, they may not have time to review and reflect on the wellness information you’ve made available on your displays. 

By using UPshow’s QR Code campaign creator, you can create a QR code that links to a resource right from an employee’s mobile device. By posting the QR code on the screen, they can scan it with their devices, making wellness content and other resources accessible whenever and wherever they want to read them.

Incentivize, celebrate and track success

While logging in thousands of steps each week or consuming the recommended water intake are admirable outcomes, only some employees will reach the wellness goals they set.

And that’s more than okay.

When employees dedicate themselves to a wellness program, their commitment is worth celebrating. And if they hit their goals, that’s just a bonus. You can use UPshow’s insights and real-time analytics to track their participation and success by:

  • Monitoring QR-code and mobile engagement so that you can acknowledge their task or training completion.
  • Offering an incentive for employees to download and use your wellness app.
  • Celebrating and rewarding both setting and achieving individual and collective goals.
  • Encouraging employee feedback so that you can continue optimizing your wellness program offerings.

Make wellness a priority for your deskless workers

Your employees’ wellness doesn’t begin or end the second they punch in or out. Maintaining their well-being takes continuous effort with all hands on deck. Opt for an employee wellness program that can address their needs in a way that works for them. 

With UPshow SHIFT, you’ll deliver the wellness content they need on your screens. With the help of QR code technology, communicating with your deskless employees and making wellness and other resources available has never been more convenient. 

Sign-up for a risk-free demo and discover how easy it is to prioritize and commit to the health and well-being of your deskless workforce.

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Employee Wellness Program Ideas for Deskless Employees

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Believe it or not, there are some benefits associated with stress, but too much of anything is rarely ideal. This is especially true regarding workplace-related stress for today’s deskless employees. 

At its worst, stress can drain employees’ energy and motivation, derail focus, hinder creative output and ultimately tank their productivity. Employers are searching near and far for employee wellness program ideas to address and prevent these outcomes. 

Of course, there isn’t a secret formula for the ideal wellness program for your workplace. But there are critical factors you’ll want to take into account — starting with employee feedback and tuning in to the full spectrum of your employees’ needs.

What are employee wellness programs? 

There’s no one-size-fits-all as far as employee wellness programs go. At its core, an employee wellness program, sometimes known as a workplace wellness program, is a plan or initiative employers take to improve their employees' overall health, well-being and mental outlook.

For deskless employees and frontline workers who are on the move or constantly on their feet, however, traditional employee wellness programs aren’t as effective at addressing their needs. 

Consider the particular needs of front-line workers. Generally speaking, they’re more likely to face higher stress levels due to the nature of their roles. Their employee wellness program should reflect those needs if employers want to keep their morale high and retain them. Of course, the benefits continue beyond there.

Why employee wellness programs are so important 

The benefits of an employee wellness program are endless, and they’ll ripple across your organization — benefiting everyone (and everything), from the employees themselves to your company’s revenues and reducing healthcare costs across the board. For deskless employees, though, a tailored wellness program can boost their job satisfaction, productivity and, of course, how they engage on the clock.

Increased employee engagement 

If your deskless employees are feeling stressed and overworked, they won’t have any residual energy in their tanks, much less the bandwidth for anything besides basic, day-to-day shift survival. They can’t effectively engage if they’re in survival mode, it isn’t sustainable for them or you.

UPshow’s employee engagement platform will armor your wellness program with the ability to:

  • Provide all essential and need-to-know announcements, policy changes and more with your employees no matter their shift or when they see the information on your screens.
  • Keep them abreast of staffing or scheduling changes.
  • Notify them of any upcoming training or professional development opportunities.
  • Foster friendly competition to build community (and, by default, motivate them).

Higher job satisfaction and retention

To inspire top deskless talent to remain in your business, you’ll want to offer more than a competitive salary and a personal time off (PTO) policy. That’s where developing a competitive employee wellness program can give your business a competitive edge. 

The happier your employees are, the more likely they will stay with you. The last thing you want is for irreplaceable talent to jump ship and seek another employer that will invest in their well-being the way they want.

Stronger team morale and productivity

You can usually tell when employees are satisfied with their work environment without them ever saying a word. With their mental, physical, occupational and financial needs met, employees are not only more likely to feel valued but are also prone to:

Employee wellness program ideas that reach your deskless employees

After seeking your employees’ input about the type of wellness initiatives, they’d appreciate and gladly participate in, you’ll want to consider the logistics of their roles. In short, before offering several wellness initiatives, ensure they’re conducive to your deskless employees’ on-the-go work life.

Make wellness education mobile

Are you excited to give your staff access to a weekly stress management course? Eager for them to sign up for discounted gym memberships or participate in fitness challenges? Do you want to offer mental health resources?

With your deskless employees on the move, you may wonder how best to give them access to some of these necessary wellness resources. By incorporating QR codes into the content of your wellness program with UPshow’s QR Code campaign creator, you’ll open up new avenues of communication with them. 

Consider the message you’ll be sending them, too. By keeping access simple, all they’ll need to do is scan a QR code, which will give them access to valuable materials they can review anytime, anywhere. 

Stir up some friendly competition 

While resources and wellness programs may be made available to your team, sometimes it isn’t enough to encourage them to participate. That’s where rallying them together and encouraging them to motivate one another comes into play. 

Say your team wants to increase their water intake or reach X number of steps each week or month. You can incentivize your wellness programs by sharing a team performance leaderboard on your screens (with each member’s consent). Employee recognition isn’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor, so consider offering individual or team/collective rewards when they hit their targets, such as the following:

  • Cater a healthy lunch for all participants to show you value their participation, not just their successes.
  • Create a spotlight on your screens showcasing the winning team’s achievements and testimonials about the competition/process.
  • Plan a company-wide hike or other outdoor excursion.

Promote scheduled wellness breaks with scheduled content 

From working graveyard shifts to pulling three, consecutive 12-hour shifts and any variation in between, your deskless employees are always moving. You may need to remind them to take a break (or two) to destress and reset.

By creating and scheduling content playlists with UPshow, your screens will do the reminding for you. Moreover, with fixed or multi-panel displays, you can keep these announcements on the screen for as long as necessary. Your employees will see the reminders pop up alongside other vital, on-screen content. 

Promote wellness for all of your staff with UPshow

Setting up a customized employee wellness incentive program for your deskless employees shouldn’t be a daunting task. Asking for their feedback and ensuring your program addresses their needs is the first step toward a healthier and more engaged team.

With UPshow’s employee engagement platform, you’ll meet your deskless employees where they are and wherever they go.

Sign up to try a free demo of UPshow and see how you can show your deskless workers that their health and well-being are at the top of your company’s priority list.


Transform Your Space with an Interactive Digital Signage Display

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Businesses across industries use interactive digital signage displays to elevate the customer experience because digital signage is more engaging than traditional print marketing material and can meet the dynamic needs of modern consumers. 

Research shows interactive digital signage “captures 400% more views, unlike traditional static displays”. That level of engagement leads to tangible benefits, like a 33% spike in sales and a 46% boost in buyer satisfaction.

To put your business in the best position to reap similar benefits, you’ll need the best interactive digital signage solution to transform your screens into customer-engagement powerhouses.

What is interactive digital signage? 

Interactive digital signage is an electronic screen that displays dynamic and engaging content. It allows businesses to advertise to new and existing customers, and share educational, marketing and entertainment content. It can even help build customer loyalty in a meaningful way. That’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of interactive digital signage displays, though.

Create unique engagement and education opportunities

If you’re in the healthcare industry, you know the importance of educating patients about treatment options and preventative care. Or, if you run a restaurant, you understand that sharing information about your dishes or which pints pair best with your appetizers can help upsell special menu items.

You can use interactive digital signage displays to do all of this and more.

Some of the most common types of content businesses, schools and medical facilities display include:

  • Products and services
  • Premise-specific announcements
  • Industry-relevant news
  • How-to, educational tutorials
  • Customer reviews and testimonials
  • Marketing messages, such as discounts, limited-time offers, membership signups and more
  • Recognition or praise for clients, students, patients or employees

Keep guests around longer 

The longer customers stay in your establishment, the more likely they are to continue making purchases. Research indicates that every 1% increase in dwell time leads to a 1.3% increase in sales.

Creating content that is fit for your patrons is key to seeing a return on your interactive displays. With a top-shelf interactive digital signage display, you’ll have access to content-creation tools to create dwell-time boosting displays your customers can engage with, no matter your industry, which may include:

  • Digital menus and service lists
  • Training material and patient education
  • Free or discounted offers and promotions

Add to this, the right interactive digital signage display solution for your business will offer diverse entertainment options to engage your patrons while increasing dwell time and driving sales. UPshow’s digital signage software, for instance, comes with the following:

Make communication a two-way street

One of the many ways an interactive digital signage display differs from its paper counterpart is its communication capabilities. You can interact with your customers, and they can do the same with you in innovative ways.

The first is by seeking customer feedback to discover what you’re doing right and what may need improvement. UPshow’s interactive digital signage display solution enables you to gather feedback via QR-code technology — directing your customers to feedback surveys so you can witness their experiences and then make any applicable changes.

And, if you’re like most businesses, you have one (or many) social media accounts. Interactive displays allow your patrons to share their posts on your screens by using special hashtags or contributing to your business's social feed. It’s the perfect way to get everyone in on the fun. 

How to leverage your interactive digital displays

Using your interactive digital signage displays to give your patrons the ideal experience they’re looking for will take some planning. Here are a few simple ways to get started.

Gamify your screens

Whether your screens sit in waiting rooms, bars or elsewhere, gamifying them will appeal to visitors of all ages. UPshow’s interactive digital signage solution puts gaming in the hands of your customers, allowing them to participate from their cell phones or personal devices. 

You can customize UPshow Trivia to test their knowledge of industry-specific terms and phrases, or even stick with standard pop-culture trivia to lighten the mood. If your customers would rather hedge their bets on something a little more high stake, UPshow’s sports-betting features are sure to keep them busy. UPshow’s Sportsbook allows patrons to deposit funds, place bets and more right from their cell phones.

UPshow even makes it possible to get staff in on the fun. UPshow SHIFT turns upselling, completing training and receiving positive customer reviews into team-wide competitions. It can help you engage your team members and even stir up some back-of-house competition to boost productivity and increase employee engagement, it’s a win-win for everyone.

QR codes put screens in patrons’ hands

QR-code technology can serve as a portal to information you may not want to display directly on your screens, like interest forms, long reads or patient education materials. It not only frees up your displays, but it also offers your patrons to access information they may need on their own time, from their own devices.

For example, with UPshow’s customizable QR-code technology, you can link your clients to in-depth educational videos they can watch from home, your social media accounts, detailed product and service history and more. Not only will this information be in their hands, but they’ll also have access to it long after they leave your business.

Get patrons in on the fun

Social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok and Instagram entertain the masses around the clock. According to research, as of April 2023, over 59.9% of the global population uses social media. 

Your business can engage loyal customers and discover new leads on those platforms by:

  • Linking your customers to your social media accounts so they “like” and “follow” to stay in the know about what you’re offering
  • Encouraging patrons to share their experiences or testimonials
  • Running daily, weekly or monthly giveaways
  • Posting live polls to encourage real-time feedback

Make your space more exciting with UPshow

A static advertisement or display won’t cut it for today’s consumers. Customers want an experience when they shop, dine or seek services from you. That begins with equipping them with what they need whenever they need it.

UPshow’s interactive digital signage display solution ticks every box if you want to serve up a memorable visit with anyone who walks through your doors.

Contact UPshow for a risk-free demo, and see how easy it is to engage with your customers and gain their loyalty interaction after interaction.


Using Digital Lobby Signs to Make Waiting More Exciting

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When patients enter the lobby of your clinic, they’re likely experiencing a range of emotions — apprehension, anxiety or even fear. Waiting rooms are made up of the many emotions that are tied to the many outcomes your patients may be facing, both good and bad. 

The waiting room is an important place for practitioners to pay attention to when considering their patients’ comfort, especially when taking long patient wait times into account. In fact, research tells us that the average clinic visit clocks in at 85 minutes, and with every ten minutes they wait over that point, patient satisfaction drops by 3%.

Using the digital lobby signs in your practice that inform, entertain and engage your patients can counteract that decline and help put patients’ minds at ease. To put patient satisfaction back on the upswing, you’ll need the best digital signage solution to help you do it, stat.

Adding digital lobby signs to your clinic

Think of your lobby area as an opportunity to connect with your patients before their appointment begins. Digital lobby signs can create a welcoming space that centers around patient comfort and engagement.

Outfit your reception area with lobby screens

Your lobby area likely has TVs hanging on the wall or nested away in entertainment units. Investing in a digital signage software solution allows you to use the screens you already have to engage your patients.

The placement of your lobby screens is critical when it comes to visibility, readability and also for encouraging interaction. In short, you want to position your screens at key touchpoints so patients experience more than a passing glance. 

Some of the most effective areas to position digital lobby signs include:

  • A centralized point of the waiting room that ensures equal access by all patients
  • The point of departure/check-out desk (for reminders, critical announcements about hours of operation, or to encourage patient feedback)
  • Corners or walls surrounded by patient seating

Pick a lobby display software that’s right for your clinic’s goals

Spend five minutes searching for lobby TV display software, and you’ll see a wide range of solutions with various features and capabilities. To narrow the playing field to find the best digital signage software for your practice, start by taking into account the following factors:

  • Clinic initiatives and goals you plan to tackle with digital signage (i.e., promote your healthcare retail storefront, drive sales for new services, etc.).
  • Universal and demographic-specific content you can display that will engage all patients (i.e., kid-friendly content for young patients, at-home remedies and care plans for common illnesses, etc.).
  • Your comfort level with content creation and the tools you’ll need to make the process as easy as possible.
  • The number of screens you plan to leverage with digital signage and the software’s ability to allow for remote, multi-user access and management.
  • An easy-to-use content management system (CMS) with diverse content creation capabilities (i.e., photos, spotlights, videos and more).
  • Access to insights and analytics, allowing you to visualize, track and measure patient engagement.

Create content for your digital waiting room displays

The content you show in the lobby displays will likely be as diverse as your patient population. To showcase the type of content your patients need (and want), you’ll want to consider the following criteria:

  • The age, interests and other key factors of your patient demographic.
  • The time of year and which services are most relevant (school immunizations and flu vaccinations, for example, have specific seasons of popularity). 
  • Any issues your patients experience that digital signage could resolve (i.e., anxiety about new, innovative treatments, questions about lifestyle, wellness and preventative care, etc.).
  • The type of atmosphere you want to create (i.e., calming yet education-focused).

Once you have a clear sense of the type of content that would benefit your patients the most, zeroing in on the right digital signage solution, complete with user-friendly content creation tools and features, is your next goal. 

UPshow’s in-app Canva integration simplifies the content creation process, making it as easy as dragging and dropping the content you want to see into a premade template. With hundreds of preloaded, health-related and other industry-specific templates to choose from, generating and changing over your content will be a painless process.

Other ways to maximize your digital lobby signage

Digital signage is anything but a one-trick pony. You can also modernize and prioritize patient education to drive positive health outcomes, and that’s just the beginning when it comes to digital lobby signs.

Share entertaining content on digital signage in your lobby

Whether your patients are waiting for five minutes or fifty minutes, the content you share should be entertaining to some degree. Entertaining content doesn’t mean it needs to lack educational value, either. To outfit your displays with the appropriate content, consider the age and interests of your patients. Showcasing entertaining content in your lobby might include the following:

  • Fun medical facts or trivia
  • Kid-led Q & A sessions with the medical staff
  • Interviews with doctors and other medical staff to familiarize patients with your team and ease their pre-appointment nerves

You can use UPshow’s fixed panel and multipanel displays to keep critical announcements and other content on the screen for a specific duration while simultaneously showing otherwise entertaining content.

Create interactive signs for patients in waiting room

Patient engagement doesn’t have to end when your patients are no longer in the same vicinity as your screens. You can interact with them while they’re on their own devices with the help of QR-code technology. 

With UPshow’s QR Code campaign creator, you can link your patients to countless websites, resources and more to engage them and drive positive health outcomes. Many practices are using QR code technology in the following ways:

  • Link patients to the patient portal
  • Solicit pre and post-appointment feedback to enhance staff operations and quality of care
  • Use nature displays and sounds to reduce patient anxiety
  • Provide access to relevant, patient-tailored resources

Create an immersive entertainment experience with music

Some patients may not want to watch a video or read about medical topics, especially if they’re feeling anxious about their appointment. Research shows that music is an effective way to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. By playing music through your digital lobby signs, you may be able to take the edge off so patients can later focus on their treatment and care during their appointment.

UPshow’s Premium Audio solution comes with over 50 ad-free audio stations that will put your patients at ease. For an immersive waiting-room experience, you can pair music with your content displays, heightening their appeal to a level that inspires engagement.

UPshow can help you transform your lobby with digital lobby signs

While most patients will have a specific appointment time with their clinical team, their initial encounter with your practice begins in the lobby. Strategically placing digital lobby signs in high-traffic areas can help you tailor your patients’ experiences from the get-go.

UPshow’s digital signage software solution can engage patients the moment they enter your lobby. With extensive education and entertainment options, you can relay vital information on a screen-by-screen basis, giving your patients what they need when needed.

Sign up for a free custom demo and let UPshow engage your patients from the moment they enter your waiting room.


Digital Signage Solutions for Restaurants That Do More Than Just Sharing Menus

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Today’s restaurant goer is looking for a full-on restaurant experience.

At the end of the day, they want to feel “engaged, empowered and heard when they step into your establishment.” 

But you'll need to think outside the box to give them the experience they're after.

Digital signage solutions for restaurants continue to set the bar high for customer engagement and experience. In fact, the best digital signage solutions on the market are redefining the guest experience by giving patrons so much more than just digital menus and nightly special displays.

Getting more out of your restaurant’s screens

The right digital signage solution for your restaurant will help you engage your patrons in meaningful ways that drive loyalty and keep patrons coming back for more.

Entertain patrons to keep them around for longer

Restaurants and cafes no longer rely on outdated ways to entertain their customers. Instead, they are pivoting towards on-demand entertainment options where guests spend the most time. You can leverage your restaurant’s screens with a digital signage solution to entertain your diners at key dwelling points, like in the waiting or bar area. 

UPshow’s on-premise digital signage solution for restaurants offers over 500 entertainment channels, including hyperlocal content, to keep diners of all ages engaged before, during and even after their meal. You can even create an immersive entertainment experience with music. UPshow offers over 50 premium audio channels of streamable ad-free content.

Sports betting, trivia and more 

It’s always a good sign when patrons ask the bartender for another round. One of the best ways to keep them ordering for as long as possible is by keeping guests engaged. This is why so many bars and restaurants are incorporating sports betting opportunities or designated trivia nights into their dining experiences. Hosting trivia nights, in particular, can boost your bar’s profits, too, according to CNBC.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to using your digital screens for entertainment. UPshow’s digital signage solution can help you facilitate any number of events, including:

  • Virtual or in-person beer and wine tastings
  • Fantasy football leagues 
  • Themed trivia nights

With the technical work made simple, all that’s left to do is to start moving people in through your doors.

Put your patrons front and center with QR codes 

Using your screens to engage your patrons is one thing, but using QR-code technology to communicate with them on their devices is next level. QR codes make it simple to link them directly to all of your social media platforms, offers and promotional items and more.

With UPshow’s QR Code campaign creator, you can:

  • Communicate with your back-of-house (BOH) and front-of-house (FOH) staff to keep them up to date on critical announcements, training and professional development opportunities.
  • Link your dining patrons to your social media pages and menus.
  • Create a QR campaign highlighting your new offers and services (e.g., trivia nights, wine tastings and more).
  • Connect your employees and patrons to your dining app and incentivize them to download and share it.
  • Encourage customer feedback on their dining experience so you can continue improving over time.

Elevating your screens calls for an elevated signage software

We know you only let a dish or drink leave your kitchen or bar if it's up to par. The same should go for your digital screens. Giving your diners the best dining experience warrants best-in-class digital signage software.

Easy content creation

You’re in the restaurant business, which means you already know something about content creation. From menu design to seating arrangements and more, that part may come easily to you and your team. Creating content for your digital screens shouldn’t add complication to your day-to-day operations.

Using UPshow’s in-app Canva integration is simple, freeing your time and energy for your neverending to-do list. To create content that sizzles, you’ll have access to the following:

  • Restaurant and bar-themed templates
  • Royalty-free stock photos
  • Royalty-free music and video clips
  • Access to an in-house managed services team primed to consult or even create your content for you

Robust engagement analytics

Pleasing guests can sometimes feel like a guessing game. Any tools that you can use at your disposal to eliminate some of that guesswork will always be an asset. Believe it or not, your digital signage may be the perfect tool for the job. 

With UPshow’s insights and analytics, you’ll have a clear picture of what your patrons prefer, so you can keep giving it to them. Robust campaign tracking and options for sharing feedback forms and surveys will keep you out of the dark about how your patrons feel. 

UPshow can help you do more with your screens

If you want to give your patrons a dining experience they'll always remember, you must ensure you've checked all the right boxes.

UPshow’s digital signage solution for restaurants is any restaurateur's best tool for creating just the right dining atmosphere. Beyond displaying digital menus, UPshow’s entertainment features will keep diners of all ages engaged before your waitstaff even makes it to the table.

Sign up for a free custom demo and discover how UPshow can give your diners the type of restaurant experience sure to satisfy every palette.

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