4 Useful Social Media Marketing Tips For Franchisees

August 10, 2018

Franchise Social Media is Hard.

Like, really hard. You have to balance developing a voice that fits with corporate while resonating with the local community, create messaging while staying under budget, AND track all of the feedback to know if your strategies are working. That’s on top of actually running your franchise.

What if there were a solution? One that allowed you to succeed at all of the above without working even half as hard? Time to work smarter, not harder, with these 4 tips for franchise social media strategy.

Photo by NordWood Themes
  1. Template your social marketing materials ahead of time with the colors, logo, and other details it needs to keep messaging on-brand. This will make it quick and easy to create new materials as needed. Simply add the copy and images into one of your pre-formatted options, and it will look polished and ready to share in minutes.
  2. Take advantage of user-generated content that your customers create and share in-venue. In the age of the selfie, there’s no question that guests are already talking about their experience at your business online. Save time and money by leveraging their posts as word-of-mouth marketing, and incentivize them share more.
  3. Build customer loyalty by celebrating guests and the community. Everyone loves being recognized and knowing a business cares about the area they serve. Shout out regulars and acknowledge local events. You can even go so far as to cheer on a local sports team!
  4. Find out what’s working by taking a thorough look at the feedback and analytics of your social media strategy. Social media, lighthearted as it may seem, is as much of a science as your other marketing campaigns. A quick look at the numbers can shed light on how to optimize your efforts, and may even inspire some creative ideas!

UPshow is your franchise’s all-in-one solution for social media marketing. It’s dynamic Social TV platform displays social media posts your customers share during their visit, celebrating them and creating an interactive, engaging experience. This incentivizes guests to share more in order to take part in the excitement of seeing themselves on the big screen!

Plus, it also serves as fully customizable digital signage, allowing you to mix marketing materials, entertainment, and more into your display, entirely branded to fit your business. Add in detailed and user-friendly analytics, and it becomes clear how UPshow can transform your TVs into one of your venue’s strongest marketing assets.

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