7 Tips to Take Advantage Of Your Business' Interactive Digital Display

June 17, 2022

If you run a business, the interactive digital display could be the future of advertisements and interactions with your customers.

If used properly, digital displays in physical business venues skyrocket sales figures and the loyalty of customers.

 A lot of brands are jumping on this profitable bandwagon, and the results are outstanding. 

80% of brands that use digital signage record an increase in sales of up to 33%. 

Now, if you are satisfied with increasing your sales up to 33%, that’s fine. Perhaps, you could carry on with your current digital display methods.

But if you’re a business owner that wants more, and wants their sales to keep climbing, then you should read on. 

If you have a digital display at your venue, your entire goal should be to engage your customers, because once they’re engaged, it boosts your brand through a great customer experience

So how do you interact with your customers through digital content? How exactly do you take full advantage of interactive digital displays?

Let’s get to it: 

1. Infuse storytelling into your campaign message

If you aim to get the attention of your customers and have them interact with you, infusing storytelling into your digital campaigns or message is one of the best ways to go. 

Storytelling is one of the most effective engagement tools, and if used right, can foster customer engagement. 

For instance, if you want to portray your brand and get customers to engage with you, you may want to think about showing them your brand through engaging stories. 

55% of people are more likely to buy from you in the future if they like your brand story. 15% would most likely buy immediately, and 43% would tell others about it. 

But how do you get them to like your brand story? Telling a story on your digital screen is not enough, you have to engage them. 

A great strategy here would be to display your story in bits. Kind of an episodical thing where the same bit runs for a few days or even a week with a promise of the story continuing the following week. 

What this does is that it engages your customers, and even gives them a reason to want to come back to see how your story end. 

It could be your brand story or a story ad for a new product.  The beauty here is that story or not, you get to control the theme of the content and use storytelling to get attention and engagement. 

The thing about stories is that it's a great way to get people talking.

 How would you like your customers to be talking about you?

2. Use calls to action

The goal of using digital displays in your business venue is to enhance customer experience, but that is simply a means to an end, the end itself is to have them engage with your brand, and ultimately make more sales.

One of the best ways to do this is to include a call to action in your digital display campaigns. 

If we are being honest, getting customers to engage with brands is no easy task. An average customer doesn't naturally jump into a brand engagement unless they’re prompted. 

With the proper use of digital interactive displays, you may get them to engage. 

One solid tip in this regard is to include a call to action in your message. 

In doing this, your brand will be communicating with your customers, urging them to take action on something. 

The beauty of this tip is that you could make your call to action about anything. It could be for your customers to fill out a customer experience survey, or perhaps to leave feedback on your website. 

It is important to state here that a call to action, in this case, may not necessarily mean getting your customers to buy something. That’s usually the first thought when the term ‘’call-to-action’’ is mentioned.

But it's essentially nudging your customers to do something, whatever that may be. 

This is why UPshow is concerned about how your customers interact with your brand through engaging content. 

Another beauty here is that you get to measure the engagement rates through the response to your call to action. 

Interactions with your customer are essential in digital signage campaigns, but it needs to be tactical. 

With the experience and expertise that UPshow brings, you too can tactically communicate with your customers and get them to interact with you. 

3. Show appreciation through digital displays 

91% of customers say they're more likely to engage and interact with a brand that shows appreciation for their customers

Appreciating your customers is one of the most effective ways to make them happy and keep them engaged, and this could be done in a variety of ways.

However, the key is to let your customers know that they are valued, recognized, and appreciated. 

What this communicates to them is that your brand sees them, thereby building a connection and urging them to interact with you more.

That connection is exactly why UPshow exists, we help brands like yours connect with their target customers by drawing their attention through tactical and engaging digital content. 

As was mentioned earlier, you could show appreciation in several ways. 

It could be by displaying some of your top customers or offering a lower price than usual for some time, clearly stating that it is to appreciate your customers for their loyalty

4. Use self-service options through digital signage

Self-service is a fast-growing initiative in the business space, and it boosts customer engagement and interaction. The best part is that digital signage allows you a lot of flexibility and variety. 

So you can infuse self-service into your digital signage campaigns to get people to interact better with you, but how?

For one, if you run a restaurant or food business; using AI technology, customers could scroll through the menu and pick their preferred dish. 

This not only allows a certain level of control in the hands of their customers but also boosts customer experience and increases their interaction. 

Another way to increase interaction through self-service is to optimize way-finding (if you have a large venue) so customers can find their way around through AI maps.

68% of customers would buy more if they have a good, interactive customer experience

5. Leveraging the wonders of mobile integration

Mobile integration is perhaps the best way to get customers to interact with your brand and message. 

On one hand, you could get them to engage with your content by using the screen touch, but on the other hand, you could also get the customers to engage through their mobile phones.

In some instances, you could get them to connect with your screens through Bluetooth, but also QR codes or having them visit a URL.

The key here is to get them to participate in something while identifying with your brand. It could be a game, riddle, trivia, or even a giveaway.

It can be as simple as even getting them to tweet something using a brand-generated hashtag. 

This is a great way to get customers to interact with your brand and build a deep connection. 

Here at UPshow, we are not just about digital content, but we are mostly concerned with creating personalized experiences that customers can engage and interact with. 

6. Make your brand human

When we talk about your customers interacting, it may not be interacting with you, but with your brand.

Now, your brand is not a human being, is it? But it is run by humans; people with lives, and stories. That is what you use to your advantage.

Unless your business is run by mindless machines, you can build connections and foster interactions through your digital displays. 

So how do you make your brand human?

A great way to do this is to display the humans that engage in the day-to-day running of the business - your staff.

Include bios and profiles of your staff for your customers to see. 

When this happens, it communicates the human side of your brand and builds trust, in which case, they'd be more likely to engage and interact with your brand

7. Adopt sensor displays

Movement sensor displays are a great way to interact with your customers and it's really fun too. 

Through this method, your customers can be engaged even without them making it to the digital screens. 

So how it works is that when a person moves, it triggers a certain content. 

For instance, when a customer walks into your store, it triggers a welcome message on the display. If a customer passes by a hotel lobby or entrance of a healthcare clinic, wayfinding solutions pop on the screens. 

Or if a customer stands by a collection in your store for a specific period, the screen may display special offers. 

Admittedly, this may not exactly help customers make direct interaction but you would be interacting with them, and at the same time, increasing their overall customer experience

Join the UPshow league of interactive businesses

It's the 21st century. 

Now, you can interact with customers using digital displays and allowing them to do the talking. But obviously, this may not be as simple as it sounds on paper. 

A lot of targeted content goes into this, and here at UPshow, we not only help you out with content, but we also pride ourselves in creating digital experiences for customers.

As far as interaction is concerned, you too can join the league of businesses that interact with their customers.

80% of customers expect brands to interact with them, all we do here at UPshow is simply help you achieve that, effectively. 

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