Connected Commerce: The Link Between Social Media and the Cash Register

June 19, 2017

What happens when you combine your customers love for social media and their desire for personalized attention from brands? UPshow magic! Well, we like to call it Connected Commerce, but its ability to power social media-driven spending is pretty magical.       

UPshow’s Connected Commerce allows your business to automatically send authentic shout-outs to customers on their social posts made at your venue (whether hashtagged or geotagged). With a simple social mention, your business is actively interacting with the customer while also providing opportunities for additional spending or a repeat visit. These customized messages will typically buzz as a notification on the consumer’s phone and will drive behaviors such as:

  • Staying longer and spending more
  • Participating in an offer/promotion/discount
  • Following your business on social media
  • Coming back in on a different day

 This intelligent automated system adds a personalized touch to your business’s social media that you won’t even have to think about.

Here's just 3 ways Connected Commerce can elevate your brand on social media:

Incentives another purchase or another trip to the business

Admit it, half the fun of posting to social media is seeing who likes and comments on your post. A customer who posts to the UPshow screen is already waiting in anticipation for their 15 seconds of fame on the big screen so the surprise of the actual business commenting on their post adds to the thrill of the moment. By crafting a message that includes a discount, promo code or special offer the customer is given a reason to make another purchase or come back again to cash in on their message.

Makes customer feel connected to brand

The best brand image is one that your audience feels connected to. Who wants to head to a business where they feel like they don’t matter? Engaging with your customer database on social media is a best practice; however, constantly typing out unique and worthwhile communication with your customers can be time-consuming. With the Connected Commerce feature your business can schedule out unique messages to automatically go out when you direct it to. While you can check customer outreach off your ever expansive to-do list, your customer is starting to believe that two-way communication with your business is a reality.

Keeps brand relevant to customer

You know what’s worse than a customer forgetting what they ordered off the menu? A customer forgetting your business entirely. To keep your brand relevant to customers your business has to work at it. Social media interaction is a perfect place to remind customers of your business in a fun way. The Connected Commerce response from St Pat's Bar with this user reminds the user to come while also confirming to St Pat's that the communication is appreciated! When interaction like this happens, customers are more likely to stay aware of your business and also want to return.

How To Get Started Today:

If your business is already enjoying the UPshow experience, call your account manager to assist you in setting up the Connected Commerce process.

Interested but feeling left out? Don’t worry, contact us today to learn more about how to get a customized in-venue experience for your customers with UPshow!

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