Get a Back of House Upgrade!

Matt Gibs
August 13, 2020

The UPshow Back of House engagement platform is the most effective way to communicate with your employees, enabling them to consume and respond to real-time information via in-venue TV screens and their mobile devices. The UPshow system is proven to boost employee productivity, create operational excellence, increase employee retention and improve the employee training experience.

Get Started with Back of House

Employee Productivity

“Engaged employees have 65% less turnover and are 22% more productive.” -Harvard Business Review

Highly visible leaderboards, displayed on in-venue TVs, display real-time staff and team sales performance. This encourages a spirit of competition which drives employees to maximize individual and team performance, ultimately resulting in optimal productivity and sales in your venue.

  • Boost to Individual Performance – Support servers and cashiers to sell more.
  • Improve to Team Performance – Unify and motivate the entire restaurant team to surpass sales targets.
  • Faster Employee Training – Motivate employees to complete training faster for increased productivity.

Get Started with Back of House

Operational Excellence

Too often, employees lack key metrics about restaurant performance against operational goals or they receive them too late. To operate at your best, you need to communicate KPIs (e.g., speed of service, customer satisfaction, restaurant cleanliness and sales volumes) in real time, so your staff can react quickly and make a material difference to your customer experience and bottom line. UPshow’s Back of House software helps your restaurant meet:

  • Item and Food-Preparation KPIs – Rapid and effective communication of key updates like new menu items, restaurant procedures and food preparation processes.
  • Guest and Service KPIs – Illustrate KPIs like speed of service and customer satisfaction to deliver an optimal guest experience.
  • Health and Safety KPIs – Communicate real-time status of facility cleanliness and adherence to safety standards.

Get Started with Back-of-House

Employee Engagement and Retention

“The number one reason employees lack engagement is poor communication.” – Ragan Communications

Engaged employees are much more likely to stay at their jobs. To engage and retain your workforce, you need to deliver top notch internal communications and provide regular recognition of talented employees. With UPshow’s Back of House TV screens, alongside employee mobile devices, you can materially boost employee retention.

  • Internal Communications – Communicate available shift notifications and sign-ups as well as health, wellness and benefits updates to create a better employee experience.
  • Employee Recognition – Visibly celebrate employee achievements andmilestones to improve morale and team spirit.
  • CSR Visibility – Highlight philanthropy and community efforts to bolster staff pride in your business.

Get Started with Back of House

Employee Training

“The restaurant industry has lost and will need to replace two-thirds of its workforce.” –QSR Magazine

The speed and effectiveness of employee training is a major contributor to delivering great guest experiences and improving food quality, employee productivity, and restaurant profitability. UPshow’s Back of House platform enables employees to rapidly learn about and easily access training courses and certification tests via TV screens, with the content delivered via mobile SMS (text) or email.

  • Easy Access to Courses – Enable employees to easily access training courses from their own mobile devices.
  • Employee Progress Tracking – Communicate training course completion statuses to employees and managers to ensure the most rapid consumption of employee training possible.

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