Innovative Patient Engagement Solutions for the Treatment Area

March 2, 2023

From your waiting room to triage down to your treatment and procedure rooms, keeping patients informed about their conditions and treatment options wherever they are is essential. In fact, it can make the difference between achieving positive results and the best possible health outcomes.

Outfitting your treatment rooms with the right patient engagement solution will encourage patients to interact with their surroundings —enabling them to take the reins on the path toward better health and wellness.

How patient engagement solutions boost treatment outcomes

It may seem like it takes a village to improve patient engagement but if you have the right patient engagement solutions you efforts will yield results faster and with more accuracy. 

At its core, patient engagement must include ongoing collaboration, trust and shared decision-making between patients and their medical care team.

Every patient needs easy access to personalized healthcare education, tools and other resources in order to understand how to best protect their health. When they do, they’re more likely to experience higher levels of patient engagement and better health outcomes.

Yet, according to a recent survey by the New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst Insights Council, healthcare professionals believe that only 34% of their patients are highly engaged.

Such findings are leading to a growing interest in finding ways to increase patient engagement with innovative solutions. However, the key question is how do patient engagement solutions actually boost treatment outcomes?

Digital patient engagement solutions make information more accessible

Patients might spend anywhere from a few minutes to several hours in your treatment rooms. Engaging them starts by giving them access to the information they need to make educated decisions about their health conditions and treatment options. 

Equipping your treatment rooms with digital patient engagement solutions can bring patients face-to-face with learning materials and educational opportunities.

The best digital patient engagement solutions provide your medical facility with the ease and flexibility to:

  • Share translated, patient-friendly information on the TV screens in your treatment rooms.
  • Make patient-centered information and learning opportunities accessible via their mobile devices through customizable QR-code technology.
  • Disseminate and increase access to critical patient information on their tablet or phone screens, such as displaying a QR code to your mobile patient portal.
  • Track QR code scans and more via UPshow Connect to determine which content leads to the most action (and engagement) from your patients.

Healthcare patient engagement solutions offer flexibility

Sharing healthcare literature and action-driving information in a convenient and entertaining way that appeals to your patients is half the battle toward improving patient engagement. 

You can use UPshow’s digital signage solutions to disseminate healthcare information in multiple formats that will engage every patient.

Here are some of the best ways to share general and customized patient-centric information in your treatment areas:

  • Schedule and distribute a content roll of short educational videos about common conditions or illnesses, new treatment methods,  community partnerships and more.
  • Showcase mindfulness tips or healthy lifestyle hacks with text-based screens that are sure to leave patients informed and more confident. 
  • Alleviate patient anxiety in the treatment area by displaying medically-oriented or general trivia.
  • Create a more dynamic patient experience with image-rich content that can entertain, inform, empower and even calm your patients.

How UPshow can help you increase patient engagement

Think of UPshow’s patient-first digital engagement platform as a co-mentor in your clinic — there to inform, educate, engage and empower your patients in the treatment area and beyond. Here’s how to leverage our patient engagement solutions to maximize patient engagement in your treatment rooms.

Create and share content with ease 

No need to trade in your scrub cap for a tech-wizard hat. You can create and share diverse and customized content on your treatment room screens with UPshow’s easy-to-use content-creation tools and features. Here’s how:

  • UPshow’s CANVA integration allows you to easily create unique, patient-centric content by giving you access to creator and editor tools. You’ll have in-app access to royalty-free photos, videos, and customizable templates.
  • Use the healthcare, ready-made templates for easy and streamlined content creation.
  • Seek guidance from UPshow’s in-house design and managed services team any time of the day.
  • Update your treatment areas (and waiting room) screens in real-time to ensure relevancy and consistency.

Strategically share content with patients 

What you display on the screens in your treatment areas likely won’t be the same as what you show in your waiting rooms. There’s a simple reason for that, too. Patients have diverse engagement needs in different spaces.

Content customization and location-specific content scheduling features of UPshow’s patient engagement platform make it easy to schedule content and update displays for each patient’s needs, depending on where they are in your facility.

For instance, while you may offer a popular music playlist in the waiting room, you may want to avoid that in the treatment area. Instead, provide soothing background music that takes a second chair to the face-to-face interaction between patients and their medical team.

UPshow’s patient engagement platform will allow you to:

  • Schedule and control your treatment-area screen content by creating campaigns via Playlists.
  • Customize your campaigns on a screen-by-screen basis.
  • Pause short-term and long-term content campaigns and edit them whenever necessary.
  • Stay in the know with remote screen-monitoring tools to ensure functionality, continuity, accuracy and more.

Get the best of both worlds, share information and entertain patients with one software 

Patient engagement isn’t just about continuous learning and collaborative decision-making. It’s also critical to maximize their patient experience with entertainment opportunities.

UPshow’s digital patient engagement software can give your patients a well-rounded engagement experience with its entertainment features.

Here’s what you can offer your patients to improve their treatment-area experience:

  • Introduce your patients to your social media pages and encourage them to take an active role in their in-clinic community from anywhere.
  • Keep it simple by offering your patients access to over 500 entertainment channels.

UPshow's patient engagement solutions for hospitals and clinics can help you improve patient outcomes passively

Medical professionals can only spend so much one-on-one time with each patient, which can make it hard to answer all of their questions or educate them about healthcare issues. 

Taking advantage of every opportunity to engage your patients in innovative ways — especially in your treatment rooms — will get them one step closer to experiencing the health outcomes you both desire. With the right patient engagement solutions you can passively and constantly disseminate key treatment information to your patients within and without treatment rooms.

In fact, UPshow’s digital patient engagement solutions can transform your treatment area into an engagement epicenter. Try a risk-free demo today and discover the power of innovative digital signage.

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