Is Bigger Better? Video Walls Can Blow Out Your In-Store Entertainment

December 2, 2021

Investing in in-store entertainment is an excellent way to keep customers at your establishment longer. This, in turn, will often get them to spend more money on your business.

Video walls are an emerging technology that can be the perfect way to keep your guests entertained. But if you’re going to invest in one, you want to make sure that you follow the right plan so that you maximize your ROI. 

We put together this article to show you how to do that and to tell you more about why adding a video wall to your business could be the right move. Keep reading to learn more.

What are video walls, exactly?

A video wall is a large screen or a group of connected screens that you can use to share content with an audience. 

It’s like a big TV screen that uses special software to display customized text, pictures, videos and interactive content.

What are they used for?

Companies use video walls for a few different purposes. One is to keep their audience entertained. Video walls help with that by giving customers something to focus on, such as streaming video content, an interactive game or fun facts about a topic of interest.

A business can also use its video wall to advertise products or services in unique and compelling ways. Additionally, these screens are great for sharing important information (such as current deals or upcoming events) with both customers and employees.

Ultimately, you can use a video wall to display whatever type of content you want. There’s a lot of flexibility with these thanks to the digital signage software that powers them.

What are the benefits of video walls?

Video walls are large and can feel a little daunting to set up if you’re new to them. 

But the benefits of using one far outweigh the temporary inconvenience of adding one to your space. Here are five examples of how your company could benefit from using a video wall.

Grab attention

Thanks to their large size, video walls grab your customers’ attention in ways that other displays simply can’t match. When you add a video wall to your store, people stop and stare. That makes it the perfect way to share your most meaningful content.

Communicate important messages clearly

Video walls also make it easier to share important messages with your audience––both inside and outside of your organization. Once again, the large size of a video wall screen enables more people to see your message clearly than nearly every other type of display.

Engage audiences

Customer engagement is a super important part of running a business. The more that you can get your audience engaging with your brand, the likelier that they are to buy from you.

Video walls help to captivate and engage audiences with large, interactive displays that get people talking. They can be an excellent method for getting more customers to form a positive association with your brand.

Bring your most creative ideas to life

Video walls also let you get more creative with the type of content that you share with your customers. For example, you can arrange groups of connected screens in different shapes on your wall to create ads that stand out from what your customers see throughout their days.

You can also bring things like interactivity and animations to your displays to add another element to the content that you share. Features like these are key to what makes video walls different from so many other types of audience engagement technology.

Easy to set up and update

Another huge benefit of using video walls is how easy it is to get started with them. They seem more complex than they really are. But you actually only need a screen, the right software and some content to get started.

You can also update the content that your video wall displays remotely, which makes it easy to alter your strategy based on the shifting feedback that you receive from your audience.

Setting up a video wall (step-by-step instructions)

Now that we know what a video wall is and why adding one to your store could be a good idea, let’s look at some step-by-step instructions for doing so.

But before starting, it’s important that you have a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve with a video wall. You need to know your goals before you can create a video wall that will help you achieve them.

You might want to improve sales numbers, reach out to new customers or a little bit of both. Regardless, try to get specific so that you can begin thinking now about what your video wall needs to look like to accomplish those goals.

Choose your location

The first step in this process is selecting the location where you want to display your video wall. Try to pick a part of your store that receives a lot of traffic so that as many customers see the content you share as possible.

You’ll also want to think about the angle of your screen. You should make sure that people don’t have to crane their necks to look at it, or else your content may not receive the attention that it deserves.

Pick your screen(s)

Now you’re ready to select the screen or screens that will make up your video wall.  

When you go shopping, start with an understanding of how large the space that you want to cover is. Then, figure out whether it makes more sense to use a single screen to cover that space or multiple connected ones.

You can also consider the type of quality that you need to accomplish your goals. It would be nice to have a 4K video wall, but that can be expensive and may not be necessary to get you where you want to go.

Another factor to consider is whether you want your screens to be interactive or not. If you do, then you’re going to need to make sure that you purchase touchscreens.

Select your software and media player

You’ll also need software and potentially a media player to get your video wall up and running. 

UPshow’s digital signage software is perfect for video walls. It makes it super easy to create and share a wide variety of engaging types of content with your audience. You can use it to:

  • Access 500+ channels of streaming video entertainment
  • Create customized ads
  • Engage your customers with interactive games
  • And so much more

You only need a media player if your screens can’t connect to the internet on their own. Whether or not you need one, UPshow has you covered.

Create your displays

Now you’re ready to start creating the displays that you’re going to share with your audience. 

Digital signage-powered video walls are great for displaying images, videos, animations, games, and pretty much anything else you can think of putting on a screen.

You’ll make your displays with your digital signage software. These tools have popular templates that you can choose from and editing features so that you can customize your own from scratch.

Track your progress and adapt

At this point, you’re ready to begin sharing your video content with your audience. When you do, make a point of tracking how much it’s helping you work towards the goals that you created before buying the video wall.

For example, you can ask yourself whether you’re seeing an uptick in business since adding the video wall to your space. Or consider whether people are spending more time at your establishment because they’re more entertained while there.

You want to keep an eye on this because it’s the only way to truly know whether what you’re doing with your video wall is working. If it’s not, you may want to cycle through a few new display options until you find one that seems to resonate with your audience.

Power your new video wall with UPshow

Video walls can help you take your in-store entertainment to the next level. When you’re ready to add one to your space, UPshow has your back. 

Our digital signage software makes it incredibly easy to create, share, edit and track the performance of all of the content that you want to share with your audience.But don’t just take our word for it. Sign up for a free custom demo of UPshow today to see how much you can benefit from it. Or reach out to us directly to learn more about what we can do to help.

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