Spotlight: Crunch Fitness

October 19, 2017

When your workout is like a party, how can you get enough? Crunch's no judgment zone and all inclusive mantra creates a welcoming environment to anyone looking to get healthy and have a good time. 

For a brand that fuses fitness and entertainment, UPshow Social Television is just another great way to make serious exercise fun for all Crunch members and trainers.

CrunchTV has been receiving buzz lately and we wanted to further explore the impact so let's take a look at the "UPshow Effect" at Crunch- highlighting customer posts that aren't just customer pictures, they're customer promotions:


If you’re at the gym you’re looking for some self-improvement, right? But no improvement is more legit than selfie-improvement. We all know those commercials that show the before and after shot of diet pills and at-home workout equipment but with the emergence of social media fitness buffs have been able to show their followers their transformation almost daily. The selfie-improvement movement not only benefits those posting but also the gym they are training at- like Crunch. Now the social user can credit Crunch with daily gym mirror selfies by using the hashtag and geo-tagging the gym. This social media partnership benefits both sides with UPshow in the picture, as the user can see their selfie-improvement broadcast on the gym TV screens as well as social and Crunch is given major props for helping the user succeed their fitness goals.

Take a look at some of the influential moments captured on CrunchTV (above). 

Crunch Community:

Fitness has a way of bringing likeminded people together. That type of community is encouraged at facilities like Crunch, where trainers and members alike lift each other up and more importantly, promote each other on social media

Click through the above images to see how the Crunch community is broadcasted on CrunchTV!

Encouragement Courtesy of Influencers:

Fitness influencers inspire gym-goers because 1) they’ve mastered self-improvement and 2) their selfie-improvement proved just that. Influencers sharing their stories help influence others at Crunch to share their story using Crunch’s hashtags like their favorite influencer. When posted to the UPshow screen, Crunch is able to manage a CRM full of digital fitness influencers as well as those who are inspired by them, making re-marketing to a niche target group easier than bench pressing 100 lbs.  


Crunch offers fitness options for everyone. With branded Spotlights, Crunch is able to display in-venue events and classes as well as out of venue events Crunch is participating in or sponsoring. Click through these Spotlights to see how Crunch boosts their brand through dynamic digital signage:

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