Spotlight: iFLY

July 21, 2017

When your dream of flight becomes a reality, you want to make sure the moment is shared and remembered as the unforgettable experience it is. iFLY’s partnership with UPshow has been blown away to expanding heights with employee advocacy, influencers and motivational social outreach.

Let’s take a look at the “UPshow Effect” at iFLY- highlighting customer posts that are more than just pictures, they’re invaluable customer promotions.

Employee Advocacy:

Getting your employees to post about your business is a critical aspect of genuine promotion yet seems to get lost in the shuffle of marketing gameplans. At iFLY the employees are even more important in creating a positive guest experience as they are assisting in a daring and thrilling experience that involves trust. With the UPshow screens in venue, iFLY instructors have the ability to post dynamic videos of their indoor (and sometimes outdoor) skydiving sessions. These videos not only provide great niche content for the venue but also demonstrate to guests that the instructor is experienced. For the business, the iFLY instructors are posting great dynamic branded content using iFLY’s hashtags, essentially becoming iFLY brand ambassadors through their skydiving passion.

Check out the adventurous content posted by iFLY instructors above!


With daring experiences comes exciting people. Exciting people like celebrities and influencers! People love to follow their favorite celebs and influencers on social media to catch what they are up to (and possibly be influenced to follow their lead). When celebrities like Ryan Seacrest and Kelly Ripa posted to iFLY Westchester's UPshow screen, they not only got to see their skydiving adventure on the big screen but brought the iFLY brand to all their social media followers. iFLY Orlando saw influencer Elayna Fernandez post her flight to the UPshow screen as well, gaining even more potential eyeballs. iFLY Ontario even took matters into its own hands by hosting a social influencers night. These digital influencers were welcomed into the iFLY venue and encouraged to post pictures to the UPshow screen. The Ontario location collected great authentic content and also got it’s business out to all the influencers thousands of followers.

Click through the influential skydivers that posted to UPshow above!

CGC Best Practices:

When a customer posts to the UPshow screen, they are giving the business authentic social media content. iFLY knows that you have to give a little back in return! One way to do this is to make your presence known to customers posting about you. iFLY sends over motivational comments to users who post to the UPshow screen, reinforcing and encouraging guests to post to the screen even more.  

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