Spotlight: Tom's Urban

April 4, 2017

Drink. Eat. Screen. That's Tom's Urban's motto.  And while they do an awesome job taking care of the "Drinks' and the "Eats', UPshow does its part with 'the Screens". With 4 Tom’s Urban locations utilizing UPshow to power "TomTV", they're focused on maximizing the impact of dozens of TV screens in each venue. With branded content, compelling digital ads and curated video channels, through  UPshow's platform, they've created their own unique branded entertainment channel that is totally Tom.

Let’s take a look at the “UPshow Effect” at these Tom’s Urban locations by highlighting a few posts that aren’t just customer photos, they’re customer promotions.

Tom's Urban LA Live:

It’s always great to have an influencer stop by your business, especially if they decide to post positive things about the experience afterwards. What influencer @highendhippie is doing here goes far beyond just simply raving about Tom’s Urban at the Los Angeles location. In her caption she specifically recommends the venue as a place to eat and drink if you’re heading to the Staples Center. The association between such an important complex as the Staples Center and Tom’s Urban can heighten brand recognition for the business and also increase Tom’s potential reach to @highendhippie’s 21.2k followers.

Tom's Urban CT:

You must be living in 2001 if you have never entered the entrusted pages of Yelp before trying out a new bar or restaurant. At Tom’s Urban Mohegan, CT location, the local Yelp actually endorsed the restaurant! Yelp is more than an influencer in the social media world, they are a VIP so having such a name freely post about your business gives you major online credibility.

Tom's Urban Las Vegas:

#Foodie pics are all the rage on Instagram these days; however, nothing can reinforce a popular place to hang than a shot of friends enjoying their time eating and drinking! What this shot does a great job of doing is adding dimension by showing the spacious background of the venue and by also showing a large group of people. Before heading out with your #squad, you want to make sure the business is welcoming of such large parties and this shows that Tom’s Urban Las Vegas definitely is.  

Tom's Urban Denver:

Larissa Long is a digital marketing influencer so her presence at Tom’s Urban Denver location is something the business wants to take note of. Long posted to the UPshow screen through her Twitter and did more than just post about how she loves Tom’s Urban-she complimented an employee! This type of promotion is not only major props to the outstanding employee but it’s also a great genuine promotion from someone a lot of people online are listening to.  

Digital Signage:

Tom's Urban also uses UPshow as a digital signage platform for interesting or wacky videos to entertain the customer as well as display ads that show promotions, events and special deals. Notable ads sprinkled within customer's social media posts include a Beat The Clock Bites deal, which encourages customers to order select bites that go up one dollar each hour in the afternoon. This fun competitive promo helps increase afternoon sales for the business. Tom's Urban also posts 'Urban Legends', out-of-this-world facts that interweave into an ad for a special drink customers can order at the venue. Check out these entertainingly strange and engaging digital ads below!

Click through some of Tom's Urban spotlights:

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