The Consumer Generated Content Rulebook

March 28, 2017

You’ve heard it before- consumer-generated content is good for business. But what most businesses don’t know is that to make the consumer content thrive, the business has some work to do!

Follow these simple rules to extend your marketing beyond one customer post at a time:

1. Never Leave A Post Hanging:

Always interact with the customer who tagged, hashtagged or mentioned you, even if it’s just a like! Hosting your guests extends beyond good in-store service, you must continue your manners online!

2. Continue The Conversation:

Find ways to use (with permission) the customer’s post as an example or other marketing material. What kind of advertising gets more authentic than the business showing real people having fun at the venue?

3. Incentivize The Post:

Give the consumer a reason to post (other than that they are obsessed with your cheeseburger!). UPshow utilizes the screen to give customers 15 seconds in the spotlight for a post that the brand can then use forever.

4. Reward Good Behavior:

Show the consumer you appreciate their awesome post by offering a promo or special shoutout. With UPshow’s Connected Commerce feature, businesses can automatically and manually respond to UPshow customer posts offering a promotion to redeem.

5. Offer Encouragement Online:

Never be afraid to encourage customer posts about your business. When your business has UPshow, this encouraging post is simple. Remind followers that your business has the UPshow screen and that they are encouraged to post content with the appropriate tags and hashtags!

6. Start Proactive, Stay Reactive:

If your business is looking for growth in consumer-generated content, encouraging customers to post is a best practice; however, your business should also be monitoring social media for users that fit your target persona. Reacting to these user posts and sending them a little attention can’t hurt your CGC attempts!

7. Provide Structure:

Looking to highlight a specific drink, event or aspect of your business but want the authenticity of the consumer generated post? Post to social media encouraging consumers to post about that specific aspect one day. (Offering a giveaway or promotion doesn’t hurt either)! With UPshow’s Spotlights feature, your business can promote the posts you're looking for on the UPshow screen as well as send out social reminders!

8. Set A Reminder:

With geotagging, tagging and hashtagging as all available options for a consumer to give your business a shout out, it’s always a good idea to remind consumers of what you’re looking for. For example, a consumer must use the appropriate hashtags in order to get up on the screen. Ironside Bar & Galley does an excellent job of reminding consumers to do this each night! 

9. Sprinkle In Some Following:

While you’re taking in your daily monitoring of the consumer posts, you’ll start to see some definite regulars or superstars that frequent your newsfeed. Reach out to those customers by giving them a follow! This simple action makes the customer feel loved by your brand, which can turn quickly into devoted brand loyalty. Through UPshow, we help your business identify influencers and regulars that are posting about your business!

10. Above All, Have A Plan:

Unfortunately, with all the noise on social media today consumers aren’t going to listen to a tweet or Instagram post asking them to post content tagging your business. To get consumer’s content that actually works to promote your business, you have to have a plan. UPshow takes the time to help generate a plan that works for your unique business and is a simple way to incentivise customers to post while at your location.

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