UPshow CEO Presents Demo and Talks Omnivore Partnership

September 20, 2017

Omnivore invited UPshow and Say2eat to discuss their services while also answering any questions by those listening in.

UPshow’s partnership with software Omnivore ties UPshow usage into the top point-of-sale systems to track revenue lift.

Omnivore is a cloud-based development platform that connects POS systems to new technologies, making a realm of possibilities for your restaurants. The single integration through API simplifies the process for restaurants utilize new technologies through interface installed in the POS.

In case you missed the webinar, check out the highlights and Q&A session here:

Focus on the Big 3 Consumer Behaviors:

The UPshow process relies on three existing behaviors consumers have. The first is going out and having a good time. People already head to bars, restaurants and entertainment centers to have a great time. The second behavior is that of sharing those experiences on social media. Lastly, consumers since the invention of the television have wanted to see themselves on the TV screen. 

3 Feature Sets to Enhance Experience:

The 3 key features that UPshow utilizes enhances the going out experience for the consumer as well as for the venue.

Customized Social Display:

Having the ability to display guests’ social media pictures on TV screens brings about the same excitement that a Jumbotron at a sporting event does. Guests are already posting to social media and now they get the added bonus of seeing themselves on TV. Your business is gaining authentic social content while your consumer feels like a star.

Dynamic Digital Signage:

With the design and features, your business can make your screen look like your very own branded marketing marketing material. UPshow’s digital signage options allows your brand to display promotions and entertaining content.

Social CRM and Connected Commerce:

Through the Omnivore partnership, UPshow can automatically build and maintain a database of contactable consumers for your brand. The trigger of posting to the UPshow screen pushes redeemable offers to your guests via social media in the form of an Instagram comment or Twitter reply.

The Social CRM Redemption Process:

The Social CRM process is incredibly simple…

  • Consumer shares post on social media
  • Consumer gets featured on the TV
  • An offer is sent to consumer’s social media post in form of comment or reply
  • Consumer reaches out to server to redeem offer
  • Server enters user’s social handle on POS system to add unique code to their ticket
  • Track revenue lift on POS with UPshow button
  • Offer and data immediately process through POS

Q&A Session:

Q: Who creates the screen design, adds pictures, custom content and who administers that?

A: We work closely with the brands to create a custom color scheme. Add custom colors, logo, hashtag and geo-tag so that TGI Friday’s screen looks completely different than Hooters. We take the social media content from the social eco-system to curate what customers already post about the brand. You can also directly upload jpg and video files as well as select from existing entertainment channels we provide. The whole process to prepare takes about 15 to 20 minutes.

Q: Can you opt out of receiving promotions?

A: The promotion will only be sent once with a 24 hour period to the social user so it’s not invasive. This offer can be ignored as it comes as an Instagram comment or Twitter reply; however, we have found that most social users like when brands engage with them on social media.

Q: How long does the post last on the screen and is there a custom time frame?

A: The first time a user posts to the screen we give that photo 20 seconds of spotlight. We then like to show it a second time with an additional 20 seconds. After the photo has gone through it’s 2 spotlight moments, it gets sent the library of 200 most recent photos that will rotate on the screen as new content is refreshed.

Q: How many screens is UPshow on today?

A: UPshow is currently on around 4,000 screens across the US. Thanks to Amazon FireTV and Google Chromebits, UPshow can be plugged into any TV with HDMI and access to Internet.

Q: What social networks work with UPshow?

A: UPshow works with Instagram photo and video, Twitter photo and video, and Snapchat geofilters that we can customize for your venue.

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