Best Background Music to Boost the Patient Waiting Room Experience at your Healthcare Facility

December 9, 2022

Creating the right atmosphere in your patient care facility is necessary to ensure that your patients feel comfortable while they receive care. Studies have shown that waiting room music is just one way to curate a patient’s waiting room experience and can impact their mood and behavior. 

Looking to create the perfect patient experience in your clinic’s waiting room? UPshow Premium Audio loaded with the best waiting room music can help. 

Ensure the best waiting room experience by choosing the right waiting room music

Admittedly, leaving a music library on shuffle will not do as much for your waiting room experience as picking the perfect, curated sounds meant to relax your patients and reduce waiting room anxiety.

Good waiting room music makes it easy to craft the ultimate reception area experience for even your most anxious patients. 

Curate a calming listening experience with good background music

Waiting room anxiety is a common occurrence among patients. Studies conducted by Cape Cod Healthcare have found that as many as 63% of Americans experience waiting room anxiety. 

The best way to alleviate those feelings is by addressing the problem head-on and creating a comfortable waiting room experience for patients. Research has shown that there are a couple of ways to do this. 

Multiple bodies of research in healthcare services have shown that there are best practices when picking your waiting room music. The Health Environments Research and Design Journal suggests the following techniques: 

  • Pick music that has a slower tempo, softened harmonies and predictable rhythms. Patients may be especially anxious about the unknown or risk factors associated with receiving medical news, so something soothing and familiar may be just what they need. 
  • Classical music has been the most studied in case uses, with Mozart’s pieces returning powerful results.

UPshow Premium Audio curates the right listening experience for your patients with 50+ fully licensed music channels. 

Promote mindfulness with music for waiting patients

Guided mindfulness strategies are becoming an increasingly popular way for people to take control of their anxiety, affirm themselves and create positive mindsets. 

These strategies have become popular because of how easy they are to execute and how accessible they are for people of any background, age or level of meditation expertise. Research has shown that mindfulness meditations can alleviate anxiety and depression, particularly when these feelings are onset by stress.

Another proven strategy for promoting relaxation and grounding anxious patients is by using sounds found in nature. These sounds have been linked to feelings of well-being, which have been proven to lower heart rates and increase external-focused attention. These physiological shifts move us gently away from the adrenaline response we may experience when we think about filling a cavity, getting our blood drawn or undergoing stressful diagnostics. 

By coupling these findings with one another, healthcare facilities can create the ultimate environment for patients by promoting mindfulness. It’s easy to choose a channel that does this by taking full advantage of UPshow Premium Audio. Choose a nature sound channel provided by Music Choice. 

The possibilities are endless, and your patients will be grateful for the reminder to sit back and ground themselves in the present moment. You can couple these strong audio strategies with visual guides that use images and graphics to guide patients through their mindfulness exercises, too! 

Royalty free waiting music provides everyone a sense of privacy

It’s unlikely that waiting rooms are patients’ go-to place for catching up with neighbors and friends they bump into; it’s probably the last thing they want to do. 

Creating a sense of privacy in your reception area is not only a crucial part of creating a comfortable environment for your patients but also a serious legal consideration.

Because most patient waiting rooms don’t offer much in terms of privacy because of the close quarters, playing music gently in the background can help keep overhearing to a minimum. It may seem trivial at first, but listening ears work better in a silent room than in one with a little bit of music or noise in the background. 

The best waiting room music for your healthcare experience

Not all clinics are the same, so set the right tone for your patients. Music can be a powerful tool to promote the right feelings, actions and behaviors in your waiting room.

Consider the behaviors you’re trying to promote with your waiting room songs

While we may feel anxiety or boredom when we think of patient waiting room experiences, this may not be true for all practitioners' offices! The best music playlists are those that can influence how your patients behave during their upcoming appointments. 

Tempo alone is powerful enough to indirectly affect the speed at which we move. There is a direct correlation between the two! Slow tempos encourage us to slow down, while upbeat tempos promote faster movement and quick decision-making. 

While slow, relaxing music may work in a therapist's office, rehabilitation practices may want to get their patients pumped up and ready to take on new physical challenges. It’s all about setting the right tone to promote the right behaviors in your patients. 

Pop and rap music motivate effort and push us toward improving ourselves. Meanwhile, jazz and classical music steer us away from feelings of anger and restlessness. 

Once you’ve thought about your patients' outcomes, feelings and needs, you can pick the right genre to accompany them during their visit. UPshow makes it easy to keep things exciting with 50+ channels of fully licensed music

Match the waiting music to your physical atmosphere

Creating an immersive waiting room experience for your patients is one way to keep their minds off of where they are. You’ve likely invested time and effort into creating a relaxing environment with the right furniture and art. UPshow makes it easy for your digital displays to create an atmosphere in your waiting room. 

If you’ve incorporated water features, greenery or natural landscapes in your waiting room, you can add to the atmosphere with vocal-free nature sounds. 

On the other hand, if your clinic prides itself as a cutting-edge provider of modern health services, you’ve likely opted for a sleek setting with chic pallets. If that’s the case, you may want to create feelings of sophistication or modernity. In that case, you may go for classical, jazz, or soft electronic music. 

How loud should the background music be in your waiting room?

While music is important and you want it to create a sense of privacy, it shouldn’t be in the foreground. Music that’s too loud will have the opposite effect on patients’ anxiety levels. Make sure that you use waiting room background music that doesn’t create noise, produce added stress or interrupt your facility’s operations.

UPshow makes it easy to keep music playing at an appropriate volume from anywhere. It’s easy to customize the perfect listening experience at each of your locations with UPshow Premium Audio. Best of all, there are no distracting ads or uninvited listening interruptions, so that music can remain a pleasant addition to your waiting room’s background.  

Offer the best waiting room experience at your healthcare facility with UPshow

UPshow’s range of services can help you create the ultimate experience for your patients whether you’re looking for doctor’s office background music or waiting room background music. From Premium Audio services to dynamic digital displays, UPshow can make your waiting room the perfect space for relaxation before a procedure.. 

Sign up for a demo today! 

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