3 Parts of the Patient Experience Made Better By Waiting Room TV

June 24, 2019

With value based care legislation in place across the country, the patient experience is more important than ever before. These policies rely on quality of care scores like CAHPS, HOS, and HEDIS, which measure the quality of your practice’s patient experience. 

You want to make sure your patients are as satisfied as possible, so they will give a positive review of their experience; however achieving this level of experience consistently can be tough when patients are often anxious, unengaged, or unaware.

Waiting room TV is a simple tool that addresses these patient issues in order to improve the patient experience and, ultimately, your quality of care scores. Here are some of the top results that have been seen when using the platform:

Less Stress

Engage and soothe patients with waiting room TV that plays content like funny videos and hyperlocal sports.

Whether a patient is anxious, in pain, or frustrated by a delay, waiting room TV takes a patient’s mind off their worries by engaging them with topics they care about. For example, you may want to play entertaining and interesting content to soothe and decrease perceived wait time. Additionally, humanize staff with bios and share practice-wide social media so visits become less intimidating.

Improved Recall

Patients who engage with information in the waiting room have better recall of the details of their visit.

Patients in a waiting room often tune out the world around them, including your educational materials and announcements. This is a problem when it comes to achieving many goals, like better medication adherence, and, yes, experience recall on quality of care surveys. When patients are engaged with the screen, they not only pay better attention to this information, they are also likely to have improved recall of their experience = more accurate quality of care reporting

Mobile Made Easy

Increase mobile tool usage with interactive signage on your TV.

The easiest way to make sure patients are satisfied with their experience is to make it, well… easy. Technology and mobile devices is making administrative details like check-in and communicating with physicians more accessible. Waiting room TV leverages these technologies to make achieving goals even more seamless and intuitive by uniting your practice’s TV screen with the screens in your patients’ pockets.

Show announcements, educational material, and other calls to action like review reminders on your waiting room TV, and all patients have to do is scan a code or type in a short url to be taken to the correct page.

Want to boost your patient experience? Your practice will quickly start seeing results with waiting room TV by UPshow, the patient engagement platform built to drive the outcomes that matter most to your practice.

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