3 Ways to Drive Success with KPI Tracking

January 29, 2021

How can I do more with what I have? You’ve asked yourself that question before. Every business owner has -- because at some point, you have to optimize your dollars. 

This need for optimization includes improving employee performance every chance you get. The good news is, tracking and boosting employee performance doesn’t always require an expensive training seminar or a more rigorous hiring process. Digital signage helps you inspire any employee to be a top performer by clearly communicating KPIs, motivating your team and celebrating employee successes for all to see.

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Communicate KPIs

digital signage communicating sales goals to gym staff

Employees can’t meet goals they don’t know about. As a business owner, you understand how important it is to communicate key performance indicators (KPIs) clearly and frequently. Don’t rely solely on email, company meetings or daily debriefs. Use digital signage to showcase KPIs on existing screens located in areas employees spend their time (like a TV in the back office, kitchen or break room) rather than targeting overwhelmed inboxes.

What does this look like in practice? Well: 

  • Gyms can inform staff of membership renewal quotas
  • Restaurant managers can provide real-time updates on speed of service during the dinner rush
  •  Doctors’ offices can display feedback on patient satisfaction

When employees have easy access to these key metrics, they can more easily address concerns as or even before they arise.

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Motivate Employees

digital signage displaying sales goals for a restaurant

Gamification is a powerful motivator for performance. A Deloitte study reported significantly higher performance from employees that had fun at work. Bring this powerful motivator to your work environment with digital signage. Create employee leaderboards to display important goals. Celebrate employees or locations that hit those goals. This could be anything from:

  • Sales made in a given period
  • Customers helped
  • Members signing up for personal training sessions
  • Patients seen each day

Employee performance leaderboards bring the spirit of competition into the workplace, which drives staff to work harder in order to see their name rise to the top. With the whole team trying to win, you’ll see all-star results. Regardless of who ends up at number one, the valuable real-time performance tracking is useful information for all employees.

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Celebrate Success

digital signage celebrates an employee anniversary

Recognizing employees when they do well is a key part of employee retention and satisfaction. HR Technologist reports that 69% of employees would consider staying at a company that improved its recognition and rewards programs.

Do you know how satisfied your employees are? If not, digital signage can help you measure employee satisfaction and improve it. From conducting satisfaction surveys to announcing action items suggested by employees, you’ll be able to create a positive feedback loop that can boost retention and productivity.

Use digital signage to publicly celebrate anniversaries, promotions and more -- even things as simple as clocking in on time for a full month can be acknowledged and appreciated for everyone to see. Not only will the employees who get the shout out feel valued, others who want their moment on the screen will increase their performance efforts as well.

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Digital signage is an easy and effective tool to get the most out of your team. When you communicate KPIs clearly, you create an environment that is fun and transparent while providing ample recognition to your high achievers. This means your employees will not only perform better, but become more loyal and satisfied staff members.

Ready to Make KPIs More Effective?

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