Cable is Killing your Business: Save it by Cutting the Cord

November 18, 2020

Cable TV delivers little to no ROI for your business. Almost every business with a physical venue assumes that high cost cable is the only option for entertainment and customer engagement. In reality, guests often tune out cable content as it is not compelling or engaging. As a result, many businesses have cut the cord and invested that money into cable alternatives with real impact.

These businesses know that cable is expensive, un-engaging and gives other companies (including your competition) free advertising via national commercials. So, if you are considering cutting the cord, what is the alternative? UPshow is the 3-in-1 consumer engagement platform that offers entertainment options, engagement solutions and a management suite to measure efficacy, in order to drive successful company objectives and revenue-generating activities.

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Entertain & Engage with Custom Content

Cutting the cord can be intimidating, especially if you are unsure how a cable alternative delivers entertainment options to delight and engage your guests. 

UPshow’s entertainment suite creates a revolutionary in-venue network consisting of national news, local and professional sports and viral video channels tailored to your business’ target markets. For example, if your business is in north Chicago, you can subscribe to the Cubs Channel. If your business is in rural Nebraska, however, you can instead subscribe to the Cornhuskers Channel. Cutting the cord means complete freedom to tailor your on-screen content to your customers’ interests, instead of running national television programming that doesn’t promote your venue or drive engagement.

Unlike cable, UPshow allows you to curate experiences that drive engagement with your customers. Because these experiences meaningfully resonate with your audience, you are much likely to earn their trust, attention and money.

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Promote & Drive Action with Interactive Signage

The biggest advantage to cutting the cord is eliminating ads. With cable, you expose customers to commercials that are irrelevant at best and advertise your direct competitors at worst.

With cable alternatives like UPshow, the only ads your guests see are the ones you want them to: your own. Once your customers’ eyes are drawn to the screen by valuable entertainment, use that opportunity to engage them in your specific marketing efforts. Drive customers to engage in revenue-boosting behaviors like signing up for loyalty programs, taking advantage of discounts and committing to return visits. Create value for your business by getting customers to act while they’re still inside your four walls.

UPshow allows you to surface your messages quickly and easily through a partnership with Canva, the internet’s #1 drag-and-drop design tool.  Our preconfigured templates help you easily create beautiful, effective, on-brand promotions that pair with your entertainment options and seamlessly enter your in-venue network custom curated schedule.  

When a customer wants to take action, they do so without ever leaving their seat, thanks to UPshow’s screen-to-mobile interactivity. Incorporate an UPcode (custom QR code) into any promotion to send customers directly to your website, app, or other online destination using their smartphone.

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Track & Analyze Your Results

With cable, you invest thousands of dollars a year without ever knowing its direct impact on your business. Meanwhile, cable alternatives like UPshow empower you with real customer data analytics never before available. Use UPshow’s Insights tool to track the value of every campaign you run. For example, one of our clients knows that each loyalty app download is worth $5. They set the goal of increasing downloads to 75 in the first month of installing the UPshow system. They exceeded their goal, getting 102 downloads with more than $510 in additional value in just the first month. 

This data ties into your existing marketing data, letting you know how your screens are impacting all initiatives including those app downloads, but also special item sales and other promotions. Every interaction is tracked in real time and recorded in the cloud, meaning you can check your ROI anytime, anywhere, for any location.

Now that you know there are alternatives to cable, don’t strangle your business on cable’s cord. Cable alternatives like UPshow offer more capabilities, drive greater value and offer full control over what’s on your screen while helping you to create powerful moments of meaningful and profitable interactions with your customers.

Ready to cut the cord and switch to UPshow?

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