As Healthcare Goes Digital, Consumer Engagement And Experience Improve

October 22, 2019

This is a summary of an article originally published on Forbes.

Digital interaction has become an integral part of the consumer experience in many industries. For years, the healthcare industry has been an exception to this rule, with the episodic and necessary nature of visits allowing the networks and practices to put such concerns on the back burner.

Now, that is all changing. As consumers find their voice as patients and recognize their breadth of choices, refreshing the patient experience has become a must. Per Thomas Swanson,

“The expectation on the part of both consumers and healthcare providers…resulted in very little need for digital engagement. That is changing, and changing rapidly…expectations of what is a good experience, a bad experience, or an exceptional experience are evolving rapidly.”

Today, patients are expecting similar levels of digital innovation in the healthcare sphere as they would from any other business: mobile interactivity, personalization, and other features that will reduce the friction of visiting a practitioner.

“A consumer is an active participant in making decisions on their health, even if they are being treated for a condition (as a patient). Digital healthcare experiences will simplify and speed up the experience while enabling clinicians to make more accurate diagnoses.”

Ultimately, integrating digital tech into the patient experience (especially that of the waiting room and administrative process) will assist those in the healthcare industry in driving patient satisfaction, retention, and positive reviews, among other benefits.

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