Fill Your Waiting Room With These Medical Spa Marketing Ideas

January 26, 2024

Are you on the hunt to drum up new business for your medical spa in ways that sail past the competition? What if the solution lies in your waiting room?

According to last year’s Medical Spa State of the Industry Report, over 65% of all med-spa patients are repeat clients. The best med spa marketing ideas involve creating a positive on-premise experience to earn their loyalty—starting with their time waiting for treatment.

To personalize your patients’ spa experience the way they want, however, you’ll need customized med spa marketing strategies and an on-premise medical spa digital marketing solution to execute them.

Why is a med spa waiting room so important?

Your waiting room is the first customer touchpoint in your medical spa. Whether they wait for five minutes or forty-five, the waiting room sets the tone for their patient experience. The more tranquil, inviting and engaging you make it, the more rewarding and memorable they’ll find their visit from the get-go. So, how can you unlock the latent benefits of your med spa waiting room? Let’s look at some fundamentals before delving into med spa marketing ideas for your waiting room.

Use your med spa waiting area to create a positive patient experience

A visit to your med spa isn’t like a fast-food restaurant where the customer enters, receives a service and then leaves. Instead, your facility is fertile ground for creating a positive, holistic patient experience that engages your patients on multiple levels—physically, mentally and emotionally.

By leveraging critical touchpoints on-premise, you can create a positive patient experience. The question becomes, how? For today’s med spa patients, a digital patient experience is the answer.

UPshow Health is a digital signage solution and patient engagement marketing platform that powers your med spa’s digital screens. With its intuitive content creation tools, entertainment channels, insightful analytics and more, you’ll give your patients the ultimate med spa experience every time.

Help med spa waiting area visitors relax with the right ambiance and helpful information

From lip injections, chemical peels, dermal fillers and more, any number of treatments can induce anxiety in your customers. After all, they’re there because they want to look and feel their best, and they’re hoping your team can give them the results they’re looking for—preferably for the long term.

Quell their pre-treatment anxiety by transforming your waiting room into a calming yet educational space to put their minds at ease. To create this kind of waiting room, appeal to your patients’ senses by:

  1. Choosing soothing, neutral colors for your walls and med spa waiting room furniture
  2. Ensuring your furniture is comfortable and well-spaced for privacy
  3. Populating the space with plants, flowers and other natural elements
  4. Luminating your med spa waiting room with soft lighting or natural light if possible
  5. Playing calming music, such as soft instrumentals or nature scapes
  6. Replacing talk shows or the news with med spa educational videos
  7. Using your digital screens to spotlight pre and post-care info
Utilize the med spa waiting room for encouraging engagement and upselling

Your waiting room is a living, breathing marketing opportunity ripe for building patient loyalty. Today’s med spa patients expect a personalized, engaging experience, starting in the waiting room.

The digital screens in your med spa waiting room can do the heavy lifting. Picture, for example, showing an educational video about body contouring and recommendations for post-treatment care. 

Some patients may not know it’s best to use an anti-inflammatory, arnica-based moisturizing cream to expedite their healing—a product you already sell on-site. UPshow Health allows you to display an updated menu of your product inventory directly on your screens, encouraging a sale as they check out.

9 med spa marketing ideas for your waiting room

Every medical spa requires a customized approach to on-site marketing because every patient population is diverse. Our comprehensive guide to med spa marketing contains everything you need to reach new patients locally and keep your current patient roster full. With UPshow Health, medical spa marketing has never been easier, especially in your waiting room.

Make check-in simple with QR code technology

Your staff is busy enough every day, so when patients enter your med spa, why not make check-in as seamless as possible for them and your patients? 

Use UPshow Health’s QR Code technology to keep a QR code static on your digital screens at the entrance for easy access. Assuming your patients don’t need to speak with a staff member, they can use their devices to scan the QR code and check-in for the treatment before heading into the waiting room.

Create engaging med spa content

Visual appeal is at the heart of the med spa experience in more ways than one. One of the best ways to give your patients a fulfilling patient experience is to create engaging content and make it available in your med spa waiting room, such as:

  1. Showing treatment-focused educational videos and shorts
  2. Offering product-centered materials they can easily access
  3. Spotlighting before-and-after shots of treatment success
  4. Displaying bios of your medical team to build trust/reassurance
  5. Hosting live demos of products available on-site
  6. Displaying digital menus of your entire range of treatments and products

UPshow’s Canva integration makes content creation simple and customizable, especially with its medical-themed content templates and library of royalty-free images and videos. You can construct content playlists in advance and schedule their air dates on a screen-by-screen and even location-by-location basis. 

Support your patients with relaxing music

In many settings, music can set the mood. From bird calls to waterfalls, you can use relaxing music in your med spa waiting room to calm your patients before their appointments. Research shows that playing soothing music in your waiting room can positively affect pre-appointment anxiety. 

UPshow Premium Audio includes an extensive library of over 50 commercial-free stations curated from Music Choice, including nature sounds, instrumentals and more.

Show off your social media on digital displays

Are you leveraging your med spa advertising through social media channels to engage with existing and potential patients? Better yet, do your patients even know your Instagram, Facebook or TikTok channels exist? 

Use your digital screens to link patients to your social media accounts. By connecting patients via UPshow’s on-screen QR Code technology, they can use their devices to access:

  • Live aesthetic product demos
  • “Meet the Staff” content
  • The latest treatments available
  • Med spa discounts and offers
  • Med spa community support
  • Loyalty program sign-up forms
  • Testimonials and reviews
Easily distribute surveys or feedback forms

Paper surveys and feedback forms are obsolete for med spas—and, frankly, most businesses. Also, with patients coming and going, you want to secure their post-visit feedback as efficiently as possible.

By using UPshow’s QR Code technology, you can display a QR code on your digital screens, linking your patients directly to surveys and feedback forms. You can incentivize your patients to complete the forms while their visit is still fresh in their minds.

Promote your loyalty program

Rewarding your med spa clients for their patronage is a simple way to keep you at the front of their minds when they need another treatment or procedure.

UPshow’s fixed panel and multipanel displays allow you to promote your loyalty program on-screen for as long as you wish while displaying other educational and engaging content. With the sign-up details to your loyalty program on-screen, you can also offer program sign-up incentives, such as free product samples or a free treatment after X number of visits.

Give your patients something to interact with

We all have our preferred way of relaxing. Some patients want to zone out before their appointment, while others may prefer interactive content. UPshow’s entertainment channels, including curated healthcare channel packs, are sure to appeal to every waiting-room denizen.

For an even more interactive learning experience, you can build and display customized medical spa trivia across your screens. While they wait, test their treatment and post-care knowledge in a fun, memorable way.

Encourage revenue-driving behaviors

On average, med spa patients spend $536 per visit. This figure comes from a combination of treatment and product sales. 

Before or after treatment, you can leverage your digital screens to expose your patients to the products and follow-up treatments that benefit their current healing and future aesthetic goals. This also maximizes the revenue per visit, which helps your bottom line. Just make sure you’re upselling in an ethical manner!

Track how successful engagement has been

You'll need access to engagement metrics to know if your med spa marketing ideas are working for your patients. UPshow Health’s insights and analytics grant you a clear view of what your patients interact with and what they don’t. These insights are critical at the beginning of your med spa marketing strategy and throughout its trajectory as your patient population grows.

UPshow is the on-premise marketing solution your med spa needs

Anticipating your patients’ current and future aesthetic needs is at the heart of giving them a positive experience in your medical spa. With UPshow Health, you can implement some of the most effective, revenue-driving medispa marketing ideas in your waiting room.

Book a risk-free demo with our team and discover how you can deliver the ultimate patient experience they’ll remember.

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