How to Engage Customers Quickly with Digital Signage

January 29, 2021

How many articles have you read that promise you a quick solution to “boost customer engagement?” In many ways, this phrase has become as empty as other business jargon and buzzwords. In reality, it’s anything but that. According to Forbes, businesses with engaged customers see up to 85% larger purchase sizes.

Achieving increased customer engagement isn’t as mysterious as it seems, either. It begins by having the right customer communication tools — tools that provide immediate, measurable results. UPshow’s digital signage helps you to engage customers quickly by ensuring customers notice your messaging, interact with promotions and remember the information they saw.

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Make Customers: Notice Your Messaging

Traditional signage easily gets overlooked by customers. Many have learned to tune out print signage entirely. At best, they’ve come to see it as just another decoration rather than a communication channel. At worst, consumers are actively tuning out your advertising because it’s irrelevant or unengaging.

Digital signage, on the other hand, naturally catches customers’ eyes because it asks them to engage in behavior they're already used to: looking at a screen. Additionally, digital signage screens benefit from motion: you can create dynamic messages by incorporating video elements, motion graphics, or even your favorite GIF. Customers gravitate toward the familiar experiences they already have on their phone or computer, so evolve your message delivery to match these communication channels.

UPshow makes it easy to create dazzling, professional-looking digital signage even for those without dedicated designers. Our software integrates with Canva, the #1 free online graphic design tool, to create an intuitive, drag-and-drop signage making experience. You can schedule a single promotion across multiple screens, meaning you won’t waste time duplicating a design for each of your locations, and even customize messaging by location so customers see marketing that is relevant and timely.

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Make Customers: Interact With Promotions

So customers finally notice your signage. What next? Messaging has to be more than noticeable: it has to be actionable. One of the biggest issues with traditional signage is that it isn’t immediately actionable. Consumers can’t engage with your signage as soon as they see it, so you must rely on their ability to remember your message and remain interested in engaging with it. Make it possible for customers to act on a promotion as soon as they see it with digital signage.

Digital signage eliminates the space between a consumer seeing a message and acting on it byby creating extra (and often immediate!) opportunities for action. Add QR codes to your digital signage to transform it into an interactive purchase point. All a customer has to do is scan the code with their phone camera and it will instantly transport them to any online destination of your choosing, from your website to a mobile coupon.

By adding interactivity to your communications, you give customers the chance to engage in the moment rather than hoping they remain engaged until they finally reach the point of sale.

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Make Customers: Remember the Information

Consumers are more likely to act on and share promotions that are memorable. If a customer remembers an available discount in your business, they are likely to stop by in order to take advantage of it, and to encourage their peers to do so. 
82% of people who see an ad on digital signage recall it to some degree. Take advantage of this by showing your most revenue-driving promotions more frequently and for longer intervals. UPshow’s digital signage manager lets you adjust these settings with just a few clicks, even across multiple locations.

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Customer engagement can’t be achieved through just one strategy, but it starts with noticeable, interactive and memorable customer communication. Want help getting started? Reach out for a free custom demo.

Ready to Engage Customers Quickly?

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